Rastafari is the Almighty there is no other he is the only self existing supreme sovereign Majestics of being 1 love Rastafari is the almighty and there is know other + praise his holy mighty dreadful new name. “Haile I Selassie i”.. still he is above and beyond all created things and things not created . He has no equal none can do his work let all things continue to work according to his holy will. By his own goodness we be eternally grateful with his Saints as they faithfully go where he sends us. Good and plesent to be with in your company even as we assembly over the internet with the mediation on or hearts granted by Almighty. Holy blessings + have a wonderful week + your brother in the spirit & truth +++ Tesfa Mikael+++
This Week’s Portion #18 Mishpatim | משפטים | “Judgments” ሥርዓት | Sh’r’At [Shirat] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah […]
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