Worthy is Jah Lamb: A Rastafari Passover Haggadah, compiled, annotated and edited for home and synagogue services by Ras Iadonis Tafari
This book concerns the “Exodus, the Movement of JAH People,” and is the 1st Rastafari Passover Haggadah narrative has been diligently prepared, compiled and edited for Beta Israel home and Black Hebrew communal services of the High Holy days of the spring festival of Passover, the feast of unleavened bread and first-fruits. This Seder has been written from an Ethiopian-Hebrew perspective and is based upon the Egyptian Wisdom or “mysteries” that Moses was learnt in, African Judaic tradition and Ethiopian Orthodox (Tewahedo) Christianity.
This groundbreaking work is graciously devoted to testimony of QEDAMAWI HAILE SELASSIE, and His Messiah YESHUA, Iyesus Kristos, the great Lamb of JAH who takes away the sin of the world. May His great Name be exalted forever and ever!
This Week’s Portion #17 Yitro | יתרו | “Jethro” ዮቶር | Yotor *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah Reading […]
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