Rev. Charles William Isenberg was a Missionary to the Ethiopian Israelites, and upon returning to England composed the first Amharic dictionary and grammar in English, and wrote an excellent analytical grammar of the Amharic language at that time. His work is especially helpful to both the student and scholar in explaining the Afro Semitic etymology of the Ethiopian names of letters, verbal conjugations, and composite nouns. The Amharic Language is spoken by the greater part of the population of E. Africa, Modern Ethiopia. This classic work composed by Rev. C.W. Isenberg explains the intricacies of the same. This book is highly recommended for the beginner, intermediate and advance level students of the Amharic language and the Ethiopian culture.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Author: Rev. Charles William Isenberg Pages: 234 Language: English and Amharic Price: $18.90
This Week’s Portion #17 Yitro | יתרו | “Jethro” ዮቶር | Yotor *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah Reading […]
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