Hebrew Phrases
A Comprehensive Compilation of Transliterated Hebrew Phrases with English Translation
Hebrew Transliterated Phrase | English Translation |
A | |
Abba (Aba) | Father |
Acharei Aruchat Hatzohorayim | After Lunch |
Acharei Hatzohorayim | In the Afternoon |
Achat | One |
Acheret | Otherwise |
Achi | My Brother |
Achichem | Your Brother |
Achiv | His Brother |
Achinu | Our Brother |
Achoti | My Sister |
Achotichem | Your Sister |
Achotenu | Our Sister |
Achot Tze'irah | Younger Sister |
Ach Tza'ir | Younger Brother |
Adat HaE-L Chai | Community of the Living G-d |
Adat HaShem | Congregation of HaShem |
Ad HaErev | Until this Evening (response upon departing |
Ad Machar | Until Tomorrow (response upon departing) |
Ad Me'ah Ve'Esrim Shanah! | May You Live to be 120! |
Adon HaShamayim veEretz | Master of Heaven and Earth |
Adon Olam | Master of the Universe |
Af Al Pe Chain | Despite That it is So; In Spite of it All |
A"H - Acronym for Alav HaShalom (masc.); Aleha HaShalom (fem.) | May Peace be upon Him / Her |
Ahavah | Love |
Ahavah Olam | Everlasting Love or Eternal Love |
Ahavat HaEmet | Love of the Truth |
Ahavat Chesed | Love of Kindness |
Ahavat Yisrael | Loving Your Fellow Jew |
Ain Davar K'Zeh | There is No Such Thing; Drop it, it Doesn't Exist |
Ain Mazel b'Yisrael | The People of Yisrael Transcend Astrological Influences |
Al Lo Devar | You're Welcome |
Al Tedag | Don't Worry |
Alav HaShalom | May Peace be Upon Him |
Amarta Amarta | You Said, You Said; You Said it, So it's Good Enough for Me |
Am Kadshecha | People of Your Holiness |
Am Yisrael | The People of Israel (All Jews) |
Anachnu | We |
Anglit | English |
Ani | I |
Ani Chai | I Live |
Ani Etkasher Ele'cha | I'll Call You |
Ani Koreh Ivrit, Aval Lo Medaber (masc.) | I Read Hebrew but do not Speak |
Ani Koreh VeKotev, Aval Lo Medaber (fem.) | I Read Hebrew but do not Speak |
Ani LeDodi ve Dodi Li | I am My Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine |
Ani Lo Mevin (masc.) Ani Lo Mevinah (fem.) | I Do Not Understand |
Ani Lo Mevin Otcha (masc.) Ani Lo Mevin Otach (fem.) | I Don't Understand You |
Ani Lo Yode'a (masc.) Ani Lo Yoda'at (fem.) | I Don't Know |
Ani Medaber Ivrit (masc.) Ani Medaberet Ivrit (fem.) | I Speak Hebrew |
Ani Mitzta'er (masc.) Ani Mitzta'eret (fem.) | I'm Sorry |
Ani Ohev Otach (masc.) Ani Ohevet Otcha (fem.) | I love You |
Ani Tzarich Lalechet Achshav | I Must Go Now |
Ani veAtah Neshane et HaOlam! | You and I will Change the World! |
Ani Yode'a (masc.) Ani Yoda'at (fem.) | I Know |
Ani Yode'a Ivrit (masc.) Ani Yoda'at Ivrit (fem.) | I Know Hebrew |
Ani Yode'a Milim Achadot (masc.) | I Know a Few Words (of Hebrew) |
Ani Yoda'at Rak Milim Achadot (fem.) | I Know Only A Few Words (of Hebrew) |
Arba | Four |
Arba Pinot HaEretz | The Four Corners of the Earth |
Arbaim Yom veArbaim Lailah | Forty Days and Forty Nights |
Aruchat Boker | Breakfast |
Aruchat Erev | Dinner |
Aruchat Tzohorayim | Lunch |
Asir Todah (masc.) Asirat Todah (fem.) | Every So Grateful |
Atah (masc. sing.) At (fem. sing.) | You |
Atah beChartanu | You Have Chosen Us |
Atah Lo Mevin (masc.) At Lo Mevina' (fem.) | You Don't Understand |
Atah Lo Tzodek (masc.) Ata Lo Tzodeket (fem.) | You are Wrong |
Atah Medaber Ivrit? (masc.) At Medaberet Ivrit? (fem.) | Do You Speak Hebrew? Responses: Me'at - A Little Ken, Me'At - Yes, a Little Me'at Me'od - Very Little Rak Me'at - Just a Little Lo, Ani Lo Medaber (masc.) - No, I do not Speak |
Atah Mevine? (masc.) At Mevina'? (fem.) | Do You Understand? |
Atah Mevin Ivrit? (masc.) At Mevinah et Hamilim (fem.) | Do You Understand Hebrew?; Do You Understand the Words? Response: Ken, Ani Mevinah et Hamilim (fem.) - Yes, I understand the words; Ani Mevin et Hamilim, Aval lo et Hamishpat (masc.) - I understand the words, but not the sentence; Ani Mevin, Aval lo Medaber (masc.) - I understand but do not speak |
Atah Tzodek (masc.) At Tzodeket (fem.) | You Are Right |
Atar Chev'rati | Social Networking Site |
Atem (masc. plural) Aten (fem. plural) | You |
At'letikah Kala | Track and Field |
Av HaRachaman | Merciful Father |
Av HaRoeh beSeter | Father Who Sees in Secret |
Avi | My Father |
Avichem | Your Father |
Avi Chol | Father of All |
Avinu | Our Father |
Avinu Malkeinu | Our Father, Our King |
Avoda, Misra | Work, Job |
Avoteinu | Our Fathers |
Avraham Avinu | Avraham Our Father |
Av SheBaShamayim | Father in Heaven |
Avinu SheBaShamayim | Our Father in Heaven |
Az Mah? | So What? |
Azov Oti | Leave Me (Alone) |
Azoi? | Really? |
Azru Li! | Help Me! |
B | |
Baal HaKerem | Master of the Vineyard |
Baal Bayit | Master of the House |
Baal Midot ToVot (masc.) Baalat MiDot ToVot | Master of Good Attributes; A Person of Good Character |
Baal Nefesh | Religious Jew |
Baali | My Husband |
BaBoker | In the Morning |
Bachur (masc.) Bachurah (fem.) | Young Man; Young Woman |
Ba Li | I Felt / Feel Like it |
Balnes | Miracle Worker |
Balshem | Faith Healer; Performer of Miracles |
BaMidbar | In the Wilderness |
Barchot veTefillot | Blessings and Prayers |
Barei Lev | Pure in Heart |
Bari veShalem | Safe and Sound |
Bar Mitzvah (masc.) Bat Mitzvah (fem.) | Son / Daughter of the Commandment |
Baruch HaBah! (pl. Bruchim haBaim) | Welcome! |
Baruch HaBah B'Shem Ad-nai | Blessed is the Name of YKVK |
Baruch HaShem | Thank G-d |
Baruch Hu veBaruch Shmo | Blessed be He and Blessed be His Name |
Baruch sheAmar | Blessed be He Who Spoke |
Baruch Shem Kivod LeOlam Va'ed | Blessed be His Glorious Majesty Forever and Ever |
Baruch Shem Kivod Malchuto LeOlam Va'ed | Blessed be His Glorious Name Whose Kingdom is Forever and Ever |
Baruch Shemah | Blessed be the Name |
Bat | Daughter |
Bat Tziyon | Daughter of Zion |
Batu'ach? | Are You Sure? |
B'Ahavah | With Love |
BS"D (Aramaic - B'Siyata D'Shamaya) | With the Help of Heaven / G-d |
Bechayecha! (masc.) Bechayech! (fem.) | On Your Life!; Really? Oh Sure! |
Bechayai! | Really! Sure! |
Bechol'zot | Nevertheless |
Be'einei HaShem | In the Eyes of HaShem |
B'Ezrat HaShem (BE"H) | With G-d's Help |
Behatzlacha | Good Luck!; All the Best! |
Bekarov | Soon |
Bekarov Etzlech | Soon So Shall It Be By You (reponse to someone wishing you a Mazel Tov) |
B'li Ayin Hara | Without an Evil Eye |
Bemeshech HaYom | During the Day |
Ben | Son |
Benat HaLev | An Understanding of the Heart |
Beratzon | With Pleasure |
Bereishit | In the Beginning |
Berishonah | In the First Place |
B'Seder | All Right |
Besha'a Zu | At the Present Time |
B'Simcha Tamid | Happy Aways |
Be'tach! | Sure! |
B'teavon | With Appetite; equivalent to "bon appetit!" |
BeTodah Me-Rosh | Thank You in Advance |
Betulah | Unmarried Woman |
Bevakasha | Please (or your welcome) |
Bevakasha et Zeh | This, Please |
Bilui Naim | Have a Good Time |
Bitachon | Turst (in G-d) |
Bivracha | In Blessing |
Bobbeh (Yiddish) | Grandmother |
Bocher | Bachelor; Unmarried Man; Young Man |
Bri'at HaOlam | Creation of the World |
Bli Safek | Without a Doubt |
Bimheirah b'Yameinu | Speedily in our Days |
Bo Hena! Bo Hena! | Come Here! Come here! |
Boker Tov | Good Morning |
Boker Tov, HaShem Yevarech Otcha | Good Morning, G-d Should Bless You |
Bracha | Prayer |
Bracha veHazlaha | Blessing and Much Success |
Bruchim HaBa'im | Blessed are Those Who Come (to you and your family; Welcome |
Bubbee (Yiddish) | Grandmother |
Bul | Stamp (on a letter) |
D | |
Dan Lekaf Zechut | To Judge on the Scale of Merit |
Darkei Hatzniut | Paths of Modesty |
Dash Cham (al. Dahsh Chahm) | Warm Regards |
Derech Eretz | Way of the Land |
Derech HaShem | Way of HaShem |
Devar Elokim | Word of G-d |
Devir | Holy of Holies |
Divrei HaNevu'ah | Words of Prophecy |
Divrei Chibushim | Words of Admonition |
Do'ar Mahir | Express Mail |
Dodah | Aunt |
Dolar Amerikai | American Dollar |
Dra Chei Chah | Show Me Your Ways |
Drishat Shalom (D"SH; DASH) | Regards; Kind Regards; Greetings (response upon departing |
Drishat Shalom LaMishpacha | Regards to the Family (response upon departing) |
Drishat Shalom Le | Give My Regards to... |
E | |
Efes | Zero |
Efshar' | Possible |
Eich Omrim et Zeh Be' (Anglit) | How Do You Say This in (English)? |
Eich Ze? | How is It? |
Eifo? | Where Is? |
Eifo Atah Gar? | Where Do You Live? |
Eifo Ha'Sherutim? | Where is the Bathroom? |
Ei, Gut | Great, Just Great! |
Eilu? | Which Ones? |
Ein Be'ad Ma | You're Welcome |
Ein Ba'aya! | Its Nothing! |
Ein Be'ayot | No Problems |
Ein Brerah | No Choice |
Ein Li Klum (Ein li Shum Davar) | I Don't Have Anything; I Have Nothing |
Ein Somchin Al Haness | Don't Rely on Miracles |
Eizel | Fool; Dope |
Eize Sug? | Which Type? |
E-L Adon | G-d is Master |
Ela Mai | What Then?; So What?; But What Happens? |
E-L Emunah | G-d of Faithfulness |
Elokei | My G-d |
Elokeicha (Elokeichem) | Your G-d |
Elokeinu | Our G-d |
Elokim Yerachem | G-d Will Have Mercy |
Emanu | Our Mother |
Emdat Avoda | Operating Post |
Emet veYatziv | True and Certain |
Eretz Yisrael | Land of Israel |
Erev Tov | Good Evening |
Eser | Ten |
Eser Milion | Ten Million |
Eshtakad | Last Year |
Eyno | Is Not |
G | |
Galui Le-Ayin | Perceptible to the Eye; Visible; Obvious; Noticeable; Detectable; Evident |
Gam ZuLeTovah | This is for the Good (best) |
Gavra Rabbah | A Great Man |
Germanit | German |
Gesundheit (Yiddish) | Literally "Health." (a response when someone sneezes |
Gisa | Sister-in-Law |
Gisha Le-Internet | Internet Access |
Glida | Ice Cream |
Goyish (masc.) Goyisha (fem.) | Not Jewish |
Gut Shabbes! (Yiddish) | Good Sabbath! |
Gut Yontev! (Yiddish) | Good Holiday! |
Gut Yontiff! (Yiddish) | Good Holiday! |
H | |
HaAv | The Father |
Hachamenu Zichronam | Our Sages, May Their Memory be a Blessing |
Hainu Hach | It is the Same Thing |
HaIvri | The Hebrew |
HaKash SheShavar et Gav HaGamal | The Straw that Broke the Camel's Back |
HaKodesh Baruch Hu | Holy One, Blessed be He |
Hakol | All |
Hakol Beseder? | Is Everything OK? |
Hakol Beseder B'Eli Haseder | Everything is in Order Within the Chaos |
HaKol Le Tova! | Everything is for the Best! |
Halach Im | Go With |
Halevei! (Halavai) | Would that it Came True! |
Hallelu et Ad-nai | O Praise YKVK |
HaMa'eiven Yavin | Those Who Know Understand |
Ha'omnam? | Really? |
Harbe Zman Lo Hitra'enu | Long Time No See |
HaRishon (Shel HaChodesh) | The First (Day of the Month) |
HaRosh Mistovev | My Head is Spinning |
Har'Beh | A Lot; Many; Much |
HaShem Yimloch LeOlam Va'ed | YKVK Will Reign Forver and Ever |
HaShem Yitbarach | YKVK, May He be Blessed |
HaShem Yaazor | (I Hope That) G-d Shall Help |
Hashgacha Pratis | Divine Providence - Everything that happens to a Jew, everything he or she sees, hears, feels or learns happens for a special reason. there is no chance; there is no coincidence. |
Hatzlacha Rabbah! | Much Success! (as a greeting - Good Luck!) |
Havarah Ashkenazit | Ashkenazi Pronunciation of Hebrew - current in some Diaspora circles |
Havarah Sefaradit | Sephardi Pronunciation of Hebrew - current pronunciation in Israel |
HaYakar (masc.) HaY'Karah (fem.) | Dear; Beloved |
Hayalim Kedoshim | Holy Soldiers |
Haya Naim Me'od | Its Been a Pleasure (greeting at departing) |
HaYanayim Me'od | Goodbye, I had a Delightful Time |
Hechal | Holy Place |
Hem (masc.) Hen (fem.) | They |
Herim Yad | Raise One's Hand |
Hishtagata? (masc.) Hishtagat? (fem.) | Have You Gone Mad?; Are You Nuts?; Have You Lost it?; Are You Crazy? |
Histalek! | Go Away! |
Hiz'min S'chorah | Order Goods |
HK"M! | HaShem Should Avenge his (her or their) blood |
Hoda'ah Tekstit | Text Message |
Hotza'at Dibah | Sending Forth of Slander; idiomatically, Publication of Slander / Libel |
HY"D - Acronym for HaShem Yikom Damo (masc.); HaShem Yikom Dama (fem.) | May HaShem Avenge His / Her blood - Martyred Jews or Jews killed by anti-Semites. |
I | |
Ihulim Levaviim | Best Wishes |
Ichulim | Greetings |
Im Yirtzeh Elokim | If it Pleases G-d |
Im (Ima) | Mother |
Imi | My Mother |
Im Shachar | At Dawn |
Im Yirtze Hashem Bi Dir | G-d Willing by You (A common response to a "mazal tov" greeting meaning "May G-d bless you with a joyous occasion too") |
Ish | Man |
Isha | Woman |
Ishti | My Wife |
Iton | Newspaper; Periodical |
IY"H (al. iy"H) - Acronym for Yirtzah HaShem | G-d Willing |
K | |
Kacha Kacha | So So |
Kacha HaChayim | That's Life; That's the Way it Goes |
Kala | Daugher-in-Law |
Kamah Zeh O'leh? | How Much Does This Cost? |
Kar Li | It is Cold to Me; I Feel Cold |
Karon Misa'da | Dining Car |
Karov Rachok | A Distant Relative |
Kar'tis Ash'ra'i | Credit Card |
Kazeh (masc.) Kazot (fem.) | Like This |
Kedushat Yisrael | Sanctification of Israel; Holiness of Israel |
Ke'ev Rosh | Headache |
Kein Eina Hara (al. Kennahara) | No Evil Eye |
Ken | Yes |
Ketivah veChasimah Tovah LeShanah Tovah Tikateivu | May You Be Inscribed in the Book of Life for a Good Year |
Kvetch | Complain |
Ki eshm'rah Shabbat El yishm'reni. Ot hi l'olmey ad beyno uveyni | Just as I keep Shabbat, G-d will keep me. It is a symbol for all eternity between Him and me. |
Klal Yisrael | Community of Israel; All Israel; the entire Jewish People |
Kolboynik | Know it All |
Kol HaKavod! | All the Honor!; All The Respect; All Right!; Great!; Good Job! |
Kol Tuv | All the Best |
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Lazeh | All Jews are Responsible for Each Other |
Kotel Ma'aravi | Western Wall |
Ktzat | Little; a Little |
KH (CH) | |
Chabdeihu Vechoshdeihu | Take Him with a Grain of Salt |
Chag Kasher veSame'ach Pesach! | Happy & Kosher Passover Festival! |
Chag Same'ach! | Happy Festival!; Joyous Festival!; Happy Holidays! |
Chag Urim Sameach | May We be Enlightened |
Chalomot Tovim | Sweet Dreams |
Chamesh | Five |
Cham Li | It is Hot to Me; I Feel Hot |
Chas veChalilah! | G-d Beware!; G-d Forbid! |
Chas veShalom! | G-d Forbid! |
Chaval Al Hazman | Don't Waste Your Time; It is a Waste of Time |
Chaver Shelach (masc.) ChaveraShelach (fem.) | Your Friend |
Chayei Olam | Eternal Life |
Charon af HaShem | Wrath / Anger of HaShem |
Chek Tayarim | Travelers Check |
Chele Kodesh | Sacred Objects |
Chochem | Wise Man; A Wise Guy (slang) |
Chodesh Tov | A Good Month |
Chodesh Tov uMevorach | A Good and Blessed Month |
Chom Guf | Body Temperature |
Chozer Bitshuvah | A Jew Who has Become Religious |
Chutzpah | Audacity; Utter Nerve |
L | |
La'azor | To Help |
Lachshov She | To Think That... |
Lachzor Habayita | To Return Home |
Ladredet Sheleg | To Snow |
Lailah Tov | Goodnight |
Lagur, Lehitgorer | To Live, To Reside |
Lakachat | To Take |
Lakachat Chelek | To Take Part |
Lakivun Hahu | That Way |
Lariv | To Fight |
Lashevet | To Sit |
Lashon Harah | Evil Tongue; Forbidden Speach |
Lasim | To Put |
Latet et HaKol | Go All Out; Full On |
Le'acher | To Be Late |
L'aMet | To Bring Out the Truth; To Verify; To Confirm |
Le'an AtahNose'a? | Where Are You Going? |
Le'asher | To Comfirm |
Lechaber | To Attach |
Lechapes | To Search For |
LeChayim! | To Life! |
Lechu Neranenah | Come, Let us Sing |
Ledave'ach | To Report |
Lehafsid | To Lose Out; To Lose |
Lehamir | To Change (from a transaction) |
Leharim Et HaKol | To Raise or Lift One's Voice; To Shout |
Lehatchil Belimudim | To Start Lessons |
Lehavin | To Understand |
Lehibachen | To Test; To Take a Test |
Lehirakev, Lehitkalkel | To Get Rotten, To Go Bad |
Lehisha'er Al Hakarka | To be Grounded |
Lehitkasot Kerach | Ice Over |
Lehitorer | To Wake Up |
Lehitra'ot | See You Later; See You Again; See You Soon; So Long |
Lehitya'etz Im Rofe | To Consult a Doctor |
Lehityaker | To Go Up In Price |
Lehitztanen | Catch a Cold |
Lehitra'ot BaErev | I'll See You in the Evening (response upon departing) |
Lehosif | To Add |
Lelakek Et Ha'etzba'ot! | Finger Licking Good! |
Lemale | To Fill Out |
Lenatze'ach, Lizkot | Attain, To Win |
Lesames | To Text |
Leshahek | To Hiccup |
LeShaim Shamayim | For the Sake of Heaven |
LeShalom veDa'at | For Peace and Knowledge |
LeShanah Tovah | For a Good Year |
LeShanah Tovah Tikateivu | May You be Written Down for a Good Year |
LeShanah Tovah Tikatev Vetihatem | May You be Inscribed and Sealed for a Good Year (response: GamAtah "Same to You") |
LeShanah TovahTiktavi Tetichtami (fem.) | May You be Inscribed and Sealed for a Good Year |
LeTov uLeChayim uLeShalom | For Good, and for Life, and for Shalom |
Levaker Krovey Mishpacha | To Visit Relatives |
Lichora | As it Appears; Apparently; On the Face of it |
Lichroa | To Squat |
Lidchof | To Push |
Lifgosh | To Meet |
Lifnei Shnatayim | The Year Before Last |
Lihiyot Ba'al Dea | To Have an Opinion |
Lihiyot Male | To be Full |
Likfotz | To Jump |
Limroach Krem | To Apply (a cream) |
Limtoach | To Stretch |
Linchot | To Land |
Liskhor | To Rent |
Lischot | To Swim |
Litfor | To Sew |
Litzboa | To Paint |
Livkot | To Cry (tears) |
Lizkor | To Remember |
Lo | No; Not |
Lo Adkani | Out of Date |
Lo Ba Li | I Don't Feel Like it |
Lo Bediyuk | Not Exactly |
Lo B'Shamayim Hi | The Torah is Not in Heaven |
Lo BeshiMush | Not in Use; Not Working |
Lo Kol Kach' Lo Kol Kach | Not So Good; Not So Much |
Lo Ra | Not Bad |
Lo Yitachen | It is Not Possible |
Lu'ach | Blackboard |
M | |
Ma? | Huh? |
Macher | A Big Shot; Man with Contacts |
Mach'leket Nosim | Economy Class |
Mach'shev Nayad | Laptop |
Madaf S'farim | Bookshelf |
Magiyah Lo | To Him it Should be Received; He Deserves it |
Maher' | Quickly |
Mah Atah O'mer? | What are You Saying? |
Mah Hainyaim? | What's the News? |
Mah Hasha'ah? | What Time is it? |
Mah Hashem Shelcha? | What's Your Name? (response: Hashem sheli "My name is _____ ) |
Mah Lecha? | What's it to You? |
Mah Nishmah? | What is Heard?; What's New? (response: Lo Kelum "Nothing" |
Mah She-BaTuach, BaTuach | What is Certain is Certain |
Mah Shlomecha? (masc.) Mah Shlomech? (fem.) | How are You? (responses: uMah Shlomecha / Shlomech? or v'Atah? "and How are You?; Tov Me'od, Todah "Very Well, Thanks"; Tov Todah "Fine / Good, Thanks"; BeSeder, B"H "Fine, Baruch HaShem" |
Mah Shlom'chem? (masc. plural) Mah Shlom'chen? (fem. plural) | How are You? |
Ma Shim'cha? | What's your Name? |
Mah Tovu Ohalecha | How Goodly are Your Tents |
Mah Yesh? | What Do You Have?; What's the Matter?; What's the Problem? |
Mah Zeh? | What is This? |
Malkut HaShamayim | The Kingdom of Heaven; The Kingdom of G-d |
Marat | Married Woman; Mrs. |
Maslul Beinleumi | International Route |
Matayim | Two Hundred |
Mazel uBracha! (Yiddish - Mazel und Brucha) | Blessings and Congratulations! |
Mazel Tov! | Congratulations! |
Me'ah Achuz | For Sure; 100% Certain |
Me'at | A Little |
Mechiah | A Great Feeling; Relief |
Meh Chadash? | What's New? (response: Ein Chadash "Nothing's New" |
Mench | A Nice Gentleman; Good Person; Good Jew |
Meshuga | Crazy |
Metzuyan! | Perfect! |
Meyabesh Se'ar | Hair Dryer |
Meytav Halchulim! | Best Wishes! |
MiDei Pa'Am | From Time to Time |
Mitzta'er | I'm Sorry |
Mivta Ashkenazi | Ashkenazi Acent |
Mivta Sefardi | Sephardic Accent |
Mivta Yisraeli | Israeli Accent |
Mo'adim LeSimcha! (Sefardic) | Happy Holiday / Festival; Times for Joy; Seasons of Joy |
Moadim L'Simcha L'Geula Shleima | Happy Holiday in the Anticipation of a Complete Redemption |
Moshiah Olam | Savior of the World |
Motza'ei Shabbat | Saturday Evening; Night after Shabbat |
Musikat Rok | Rock Music |
N | |
Naim Me'od | It's a Pleasure; Pleased to Meet You (greeting at meeting) |
Nasi Chevra | President (of a company) |
Nehedar, Yo'fi | Wonderful, Great |
Neshomeleh | Sweet Soul; Sweetheart; Darling |
Nesia Tovah | Have a Good Trip |
Neyar Devek | Scotch Tape |
Neyar Tu'alet | Toilet Paper |
Niftar (masc.) Nifterah (fem.) | Died; Passed Away |
Nishtu Gedacht! | May We be Saved From it (sad event); It Shouldn't Happen!; G-d Forbid! |
Niyar Tishu | Tissue Paper |
Nod Nafuach | A Complete Nothing; A Bag of Wind |
Nohal Takin | Correct Procedure |
Nolad (masc.) Noldah (fem.) | Born |
Nu? (Yiddish) | So?; Well? |
Nu Tzadakti? | Well, Was I Right? |
O | |
Ochel Yapani | Japanese Food |
Ofano'a | Motorcycle |
Onesh Olam | Eternal Purnishment |
Or Adom | Red Light |
Oseh Shamayim veEretz | Maker of Heaven and Earth |
Oy / Oi | Denotes Disgust, Pain, Astonishment or Rapture |
Oy Va'avoi Li! | Oh My G-d! |
Oy Vai Lz Mir! | Woe is Me! |
Ozer Yisrael biGvurah | Who Girds Israel with Strength |
Ozer Yisrael b'Tif'arah | Who Crowns Israel with Splendor |
P | |
Pach Ash'pah | Garbage Pail |
Pachot O Yoter | Not Far Off; Approximately |
Panah Be-Pinah | Turn a Corner |
Pasey Rakevet | Train Track |
Pelefon | Search For |
Po Nikbar; Po Nitman | Here Lies (abbrevation at top of most Jewish tombstones) |
Proster Oilem | Common People |
R | |
Rachmana Litzlon! | Heaven Forbid! |
Rah Me'od | Very Bad |
Rakevet Mekomit | Local Train |
Rasheh | Mean; Evil Person |
Rav Todah! | Many Thanks! |
Rebiniu | Term of Endearment for a Rabbi |
Refuah Shleimah! | (May You Have) a Complete Recovery! |
Regah | One Moment |
Rishayon Nehiga | Driver's License |
Rofeh HaCholim | Healer of the Sick |
Rosh Chodesh | First of the Month |
S | |
Sa'arah B'Kos Mayim | Making a Big Deal Out of Nothing |
Saba | Old Granddad |
Sandakit | Godmother |
Sarah Emanu | Sarah Our Mother |
Savlanut! | Patience! |
Savta | Grandmother |
Se'ar Blondini | Blonde Hair |
Se'ar Shachor | Black Hair |
Selicha | Pardon |
Selach Li | Excuse Me |
Sfaradit | Spanish |
Sicha Mekomit | Local Phone Call (within the city) |
Sinit | Chinese |
SH | |
Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim | Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem |
Sha'ar | Gate; Ticket Gate |
Sha'arei Tziyon | Gates of Zion |
Shabbat Goy (Shabbes Goi - Yiddish) | A Non-Jew Doing Work for Jews on the Sabbath |
Shabbat Shalom Lekulam | Good Sabbath to Everyone |
Shabbat Shalom uMevorach | A Peaceful and Blessed Sabbath |
Shabbat Shalom veShavua Tov! | A Peaceful Shabbat and a Good Week! |
Shalom | Peace; Hello; Goodbye |
Shalom uv'racha | Peace and Blessing |
Shalom uv'racha leYisrael | Peace and Blessing to Israel |
Shalosh | Three |
Shanah (Shanim, pl.) | Year (Years) |
Shanah Tovah! | Happy New Year! |
Sha'on Me'orer | Alarm Clock |
Shavua Tov (Yiddish "Gut Vach") | Good Week |
Sheka | Power Socket |
Sheket! | Quiet |
Shkoyach! | Way to Go! |
Sherut Hashkama | Wake Up Service |
Shlimazel | Luckless Person; Incompetent Person; One Who has Perpetual Bad Luck |
Shlomi' Tov | I'm Fine |
Shmi | My Name is |
Shmoneh | Eight |
Shesh | Six |
Shta'yim | Two |
Sheva | Seven |
Shomrei Mitzvot | Keeper of the Commandments; the Orthodox; Observant Jews; Abiding by all rules and regulations. |
Shul'chan Mit'bach | Kitchen Table |
T | |
Ta'amin Li! | Believe (to) Me; (Just) Believe Me! |
Tarshe Li | Allow Me |
Tateleh | Little Darling |
Tehe Nishmatah Tzerurah Bitzror HaChayim | May Her Soul be Bound in the Bond of Eternal Life |
Tei-yerinkeh | Sweetheart; Dearest |
Tesha | Nine |
Tihye Ba'ri | Be Healthy |
Timseri La Dash Mimeni | Send Her My Regards |
Timsor Lo Dash | Transfer Regards to Him |
Timsor Lo Dash Mimeni | Send Him My Regards |
Tishlach Lo Dash Mimeni | Send Him My Regards |
Tismoch Alai | You Can Rely on Me |
Titkasher' Elai! | Call Me! |
Titchadesh (masc.); Titchadshi (fem) | You Shall be Renewed |
Tochnit Av | Plan of the Father; Master Plan |
Todah | Thank You |
Todah LaE-L! | Thank G-d! |
Todah Lailah Tov | Thanks, Goodnight |
Todah Rabbah | Thank You Very Much |
Todah veShalom | Thank You and Goodbye |
Tov Me'od Todah | Very Well, Thanks |
Tov Todah | Ok, Thank You |
Tuchal La'azor Li? | Can You Help Me? |
Tut Mir Hano'eh | It Gives Me Pleasure (can also be meant sarcastically) |
Tzad Mizrachi | East Side |
Tzaharaim Tovim | Good Afternoon (response upon departing) |
Tzarfatit | French |
Tzar Li | I'm Sorry |
Tzetech leShalom veShuvech leShalom (masc.) | Go in Peace and Return in Peace |
Tzetcha leShalom veShuvcha leShalom (fem.) | Go in Peace and Return in Peace |
Tzimchoni | Vegetarian |
Tzipor Ktana | Small Bird |
Tzom Kal | May You Have an Easy Fast |
U | |
Ulai' | Perhaps |
Umot HaOlam | Nations of the World |
V | |
Vadai, beVadai! | Of Course! |
VeYitten Lecha | (May G-d) Grant You |
Y | |
Ya'aleh veYavo | May it Ascend and Arrive |
Yachas Enoshi | Benevolence; Thoughtfulness |
Yasher Koach! | May Your Strength be Firm!; May You Have Strength! |
Yatziv Patgam | True is the Word |
Yefeyfe | Beautiful |
Yehi Ratzon | May it be Your Will |
Yehiyeh Asher Yehiyeh | What Will be Will be; Come What May |
Yereim uShleimim | Totally Observant |
Yerushalayim Shelanu | Our Jerusalem |
YESHA (acronym) | Yehudah (territories of Judea) Shomrom (territories of Samaria) Azza (territories of Gaza) |
Yetzer Harah | Evil Inclination |
Yetzuyat Cherum | Emergency Exit |
Yihyeh BeSeder | It Will be in Order; Everything Will be Ok; It Will all Work Out |
Yirat Shamayim | Fear of Heaven |
Yirei Hashem | Those Who Fear Hashem |
Yishar Koach | Straight Power; With Strength; Good for You; Way to Go; More Power to You - said when someone has accomplished something. Proper response to this phrase is: Baruch Teheyeh (masc.); Brucha Tiheyi(fem.) - You Shall Be Blessed. |
Yitachen | It is Possible |
Yom; Yamim | Day; Days |
Yomayim | Two Days |
Yom HaShabbat | The Day of Sabbath; The Sabbath Day |
Yom Huledet | Birthday |
Yom Huledet Same'ach! | Happy Birthday! |
Yom Meunan | Cloudy Day |
Yom Tov | A good Day (applied to the Festivals) |
Yorei HaShem | Fearer of HaShem |
Yoshev Al Hagader | Straddling the Fence |
Yoshev Al Sir HaBasar | (He is) Living the Good Life |
Yoter | More |
Z | |
Zaide (Yiddish) | Grandfather |
Zakain (masc.) Zekainah (fem.) | Old |
Zakan | Beard |
Zechrono L'Vracha | May His Memory Be For Blessing |
Zechut Avot | Merit of the Fathers |
Zeh Chashuv | Its Important |
Zeh HaKol | That's it |
Zeh Klum! | It's Nothing! |
Zeh Lo Meshane | It Doesn't Matter |
Zeh Mah Sheyesh | This is What There is; There is No More |
Zeh Mean'yen | It's Interesting |
Zeh Mesukan | It's Dangerous |
Zei Mir Gezunt! | Be Well! |
ZK"L - Acronym for Zecher Kadosh Livracha | May the Memory of the Saintly be for Blessing; for a saintly martyr (including those murdered by enemies of the Jews) |
Zmanim Moderni'im | Modern Times |
Z"L - Acronym for Zichrono Livracha, masc.; Zichronah Livracha, fem. | Of Blessed Memory; or May His/Her Memory be for Blessing (for a non-rabbinical figure) |
Ziknei HaAm | Elders of the People |
Zot Omeret | In Other Words |
ZT"L / ZTz"L - Acronym for Zecher Tzaddik Livracha | May the Memory of the Righteous be for Blessing |