First Draft by Wendim YadOn, aka Ras Iadonis Tafari 11/13/2015
Matthew Chapter 18: The Sermon on the Child-Text (Mk. 9. 22-27; Lk. 9. 46-48)
There are Four (4) Primary St ages of Growth in JAH’s Grace. According to the Qelemat timhirit, or the ancient colour teaching, the fi rst four stages of growth correspond to the primary colors of JAH Rainbow, i.e. red, oran ge, yellow and green. (T he basic scriptural understandings and inner-standings of these vi bratory frequencies of the true light and word-sound, it is hoped, shall be explained by the present scribe in the house of life accordingly throughout this and furthermore in subsequent disseminations.)
This Week’s Portion #7 Vayetzei | ויצא | “And he went out” ወጥቶ | weTT’to [weTito] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! […]
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