The Amharic Book of Ruth: A translation & interpretation by H.H. Ras Iadonis Tafari, presented in this book is the initial summary of a cursory “Wisdom” study supplemented with commentary notes and preliminary interpretive composition drafted by the African-American author, translator and Raspearian playwright of the Amharic Song of Songs of Solomon, the SOSOS Play published recently for the H.I.M. Theatre Company. This book, written by the “Bard of Brooklyn,” contains the original Amharic text, the English translation and additional explanations of this Ethiopic-Hebraic etymology, ancient subject matters and many related MSS materials previously unpublished.
This Week’s Portion #18 Mishpatim | משפטים | “Judgments” ሥርዓት | Sh’r’At [Shirat] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah […]
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