The riches of the Old Scofield Study System and references have guided students of the word for over a century. The Old Scofield Study Bible features the original 1917 notes and references in a Center-Column format.
The classic King James Version is matched to Dr. C.I. Scofield's time-honored study system, with book introductions, center column subject chain references, chronologies, and same-page text helps that provide "Help where Help is Needed."
Additional Features:
- Original 1917 Scofield Notes
- Complete Scofield references in Center-Column Format
- traditional type face and font style
- Introduction to each book of the Bible
- English equivalents for Hebrew dates, money, weights and measurements
- Chronologies
- Concordance
- Subject chain references
- Same-page text helps and subheadings
- 16 pages of Oxford Bible Maps*
This Week’s Portion #14 Va’era | וארא | “And I appeared” ተገለጥሁ | tegelleT’hu *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. […]
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