A BOOK OF THE BEGINNINGS Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace By Gerald Massey ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED IN TWO VOLUMES LONDON, 1881 Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace. Vol. I, Egyptian origins in the British Isles; Egypt; Comparative vocabulary of English and Egyptian words; Hieroglyphics in Britain; Egyptian origins in words; Egyptian water-names; Egyptian names of personages; British symbolical customs and Egyptian naming; Egyptian deities in the British Isles; Egyptian place-names and the record of the stones; Type-names of the people. The significance of this work was not recognized in its own time over 100 years ago. This book emphasizes the African origins of mankind in ÆTHIOPIA.
This Week’s Portion #13 Shemot | שמות | “Names” ስሞች | S’moch [Simoch] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah […]
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