Amharic Computer-based GlossaryThe Amharic Computer-Based Glossary that is presented in these pages is a compilation from various anonymous sources, on and offline. Due accreditation, however, must be given to the current techno-logically savvy New Ethiopian Millennium generation of young and old Amharic-speaking Ethiopians have diligently sought to master this modern society and digital multimedia through “Ethiopian spectacles,” and not be left behind in a rapidly changing and evolving age of globalization. Therefore, we generously thank all those Ethiopians, at home and abroad, those who may be professionals and the non-professionals alike who have continuously contributed ideas, words, expressions, phrases and advanced technological terms towards the aggregation of the contents of this Glossary compiled by Ras Iadonis Tafari.

Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Pages: 226
Language: English & Amharic
List Price:$15.89
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Amharic Computer-based Glossary