“The Antiquities of the Black (Hamitic) Race” A 40 year old series first published in 1970s issue of Muhammad Speaks, was named Rafiyq Ahmed Abdul-Hamiyd (formerly known as Ralph Raymond Gaillard, Sr.) of the Black Press International. The book entitled "the Antiquities of the Black Race," was compiled from Mr. Hamiyd's original manuscripts, research and notes for the present and future generations of Black people, at home and abroad. This present edition is the completed, annotated and final version, previously unpublished in full in one volume on the History of Black people in biblical times. He has written the series to expose some significant facts relating to some of the authentic roles that Ancient member nations' of the so-called "Black Race" (i.e., the peoples of Africa and Asia) played in giving birth to civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt and Ethiopia, during - and before - the period of time covered in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible.
Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Pages: 100 Language: English List Price:$21.99 Price: $17.59 You Save: $4.40 ( 20% )
Amharic and Hebrew - Ethiopic Code
HEBREW HIEROGLYPHICS: Hebrew Characters Derived From The Hieroglyphics by Mr. John Lamb
Free PDF Book | From Babylon to Timbuktu: A History of the Ancient Black Races Including the Black Hebrew by Rudolph Windsor
This Week’s Portion #17 Yitro | יתרו | “Jethro” ዮቶር | Yotor *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah Reading […]
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