Free PDF Book | RasTafari EOTC Constant Prayer | ZeWetir Selot

Free PDF Book | RasTafari EOTC Constant Prayer | ZeWetir Selot

PUBLISHER’S GENERAL NOTE TO THE READER: A special note must be, honorably and faithfully, put and inserted here at this point given due credit and accreditation to our fellow labourers in His Vineyard, namely to the Bete Ras Teferi Community Learning (2007), and to all our fellow brethren, sistren and mothers of the True Faith, the Haimanot of the King of Kings and His Christ, Yeshuwa [Iyesus], the True Lord of Lords who is One in His Father, Our Father and in His God and Our God, Abba Keddus, Keddus, Keddus – AHADU AMLAK. Therefore, we find it necessary to include this 20 page introduction into the basic Zewetr S’elot, the Original and Ancient Liturgy of the First Century Church, known and called “Constant Prayer2 ” and also translated “Continuing Prayer.”

May these Ethiopic [Royal Amharic], our pure language, the EOTC hymns, sacred songs and holy psalms be learnt and taught diligently to this generation and told to the generation that has not yet been born, as both a testimony and a reminder. May Abba, in the name of ADONAI YESHUWA (GƜTA IYESUS) cause His people, called by the New Name to sing, chant and praise thy Holy Name by way of the New Song…


Pages: 26
Language: Amharic ad English
Free PDF Book | RasTafari EOTC Constant Prayer | ZeWetir Selot