Amharic Bible Dictionary; H.I.M. Haile Selassie I VersionNEW EDITION! NOW AVAILABLE IN PRINT (Outside of Ethiopia)!!! The official “AMHARIC DICTIONARY OF THE HOLY BIBLE." Originally compiled as a study companion to the 1961/2 A.D. Authorized H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I Bible, called the “Emperor’s Bible,” (Book of the Seven Seals, cf. Revelation Chapter 5) and better known as, the Revised Amharic Bible, or “RAB” is now being published in this new Discipleship edition by The Lion of Judah [Bible] Society of His Imperial Majesty. "WE IN ETHIOPIA have one of the oldest versions of the Bible, but however old the version may be,in whatever language it might be written, the Word remains the same, It transcends all boundaries of empires and all conceptions of race. It is eternal." - Conquering Lion of The Tribe of Judah: H.I.M. HAILE SELASSIE I, Elect of GOD, King of Kings of Ethiopia. Therefore our new publication of the text herein continues the further dissemination of our Ethiopian culture, based upon the aims of the Our Amharic Literacy Campaign.

Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback
Pages: 322
Language: Amharic
List Price:$25.33
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Amharic Bible Dictionary: H.I.M. Haile Selassie I Version