“Tax-Cut Cash Piles”
Because of tax cuts championed by President Donald J. Trump’s administration…
American corporations are now able to “repatriate” an estimated $3.1 trillion in earnings that they’ve been holding outside the United States to avoid high taxes.
Now, they can bring this money back home and only pay 15.5% – less than half the 35% tax they would have paid before Congress passed Mr. Trump’s tax bill into law.
And much of that $3.1 trillion is expected to go into investors’ pockets in the form of dividends.
In fact, it’s already happening…
Days after this historic tax bill was passed into law, Apple – one of the world’s most influential companies of all time – announced that it is transferring $252.3 billion back to the United States from overseas accounts.
And CEO Tim Cook confirmed both WHY it’s happening and WHAT Apple will do with the money, by saying…
“Washington enabled this to occur by
changing the tax code to allow companies
to return capital to all stakeholders.”
– Tim Cook
He’s clearly signaling that he wants to get much of this money back into the hands of Apple’s investors.
And here’s how it could happen…
Apple will add this repatriated $252 billion to its stated $71.4 billion in cash on the books.
That means that Apple could be sitting on top of more than $373 billion in cash and short-term cash equivalents right here in the good old U.S. of A.
That’s a potential 422% increase to Apple’s home-based cash hoard.
And $55 billion of that money is set to be immediately injected into the U.S. economy in 2018.
Now, Apple already pays a prolific amount of money to investors in the form of dividends and share buybacks – $39 billion a year on average, over the past six years.
But some experts are estimating that Apple could return as much as $72 billion in 2018… $72 billion again in 2019… and another $72 billion in 2020.
That’s 85% more money that could be going back into investors’ pockets in each of the next three years!
But Apple’s move is only signaling a much larger and historic profit opportunity.
You see, President Trump’s tax cut – and Apple’s immediate reaction to it – reflects nothing short of a sea change in how the majority of U.S. corporations will likely handle what I call their…
“Newly-Minted, Tax-Cut Cash Piles.”
As The Wall Street Journal reports, Apple’s decision…
“Could Trigger [a] Repatriation Rush.”
And Richard Lane, a senior vice president at Moody’s, now says…
“There’s no longer an economic reason to maintain cash offshore to avoid high U.S. taxation.”
In fact, I was recently on Fox Business News discussing how massive companies like Microsoft, Facebook, and Google are likely to follow Apple’s lead.
Money goes where it is treated best.
And corporate CEOs know that money is going to be better spent, and better for shareholders, right here in the United States.
It’s Finance 101.
You can bet Tim Cook understands it enough that he’s willing to take the hit and pay $38 billion in taxes to bring that money home.
Put another way, that means it’s at least worth $38 billion for him to get that money back to work here in the U.S.
Anyone can speculate on the reasons why.
But when investors see that $252 billion back in the U.S. – ready to be deployed in dividends, buybacks, and additional capital investments – I think they’ll be scrambling to buy Apple’s shares.
That would drive the share price up, potentially solidifying Apple as the first $1 trillion company in the world.
And you know what? I think Tim Cook knows that, too.
Bottom line is, the amount of wealth that will be created by moves like this is truly staggering.
It will work in both directions…
Billions of dollars in tax savings are about to fatten hundreds of American corporations’ balance sheets.
“Investor-friendly” companies across the country will likely pass much of the newfound wealth to investors.
And in return, investors looking to juice their income streams will be scrambling to invest back in the most investor-friendly companies.
That’s why I’m here with this urgent message. Because, if you want to beat the rush, you must act now.
I expect dividends to start increasing dramatically, this month, as a potentially life-changing wave of income is unleashed here in the U.S.
If you’re invested in the right companies, it could put up to an extra $974 to $4,920 per month into your account.
And in the next few minutes, I’m going to introduce you to the 10 companies that my research indicates are the most likely to pay their investors more money than anyone else…
Because of their abilities to pay something I call “Triple-Compounding Dividends.”
Most of these companies are nowhere close to as well-known as Apple.
But they demonstrate some of the best “investor appreciation” I’ve ever come across.
AND most of them are much smaller than Apple, so they have a lot more upside in terms of share price growth than Apple does.
For example…
72% Average Annual Share Price Growth!
PLUS a Chance to Double Your Income Every Three Years!
The first company is dominant in what has become an amazingly lucrative home improvement industry. And I’m not talking about Lowe’s or Home Depot.
In fact, it’s less than half the size of Lowe’s and one-fifth the size of Home Depot.
Yet, it has paid quarterly dividends for 31 years straight.
And since 1997, it has increased them 36% per year on average.
Imagine doubling your income every three years for 20 years!
But thanks to Mr. Trump’s tax cuts, this company is going to have around 25% more money that it can pay back to investors!
That adds up to an estimated $107 million in EXTRA cash on its books, this year.
And given its stellar dividend history, where do you think that money is likely to go?
Right back into investors’ pockets would be a safe bet.
Not to mention, the stock is a fast grower, too!
As you can see here, it’s gone up by 470% since September 2011.
That equates to 72.3% average annual gains over six years!
Let me repeat that…
This company has produced 72.3% average annual share price gains for each of the last six years.
And it’s grown its dividend by an average of 108% every three years over 20 consecutive years.
If history is a guide, this is exactly the type of company that I expect to shower investors with the extra cash it’s getting from President Trump’s tax cuts.
Think about it…
When CEOs have an excess of cash on the books, they only have a few things they can do with it.
- They can invest it back into the business by doing things like paying higher salaries, hiring more employees, or acquiring other competitors.
- Or they can return it to investors through dividends or share buybacks.
By now, you can probably guess my stance on this…
You may want to WORK for the companies that use the money to pay higher salaries.
But you want to INVEST in the companies – like the ones I’m here to tell you about today – that have proven records of paying higher and higher dividends…
While at the same time producing consistently higher share price growth.
That’s because they allow you to take advantage of both growth AND income – a feat long thought to be impossible – thanks to something I call…
The Law of Triple-Compounding Dividends
I like buying growth stocks, just like the next person.
There’s nothing more exciting than watching prices accelerate based on the success of a new technology, a new patent, a change in cash flow or some other massive catalyst.
But when prices aren’t moving, chances are you’re not making any money, plain and simple.
That’s not acceptable.
I’d rather have my cake and eat it, too.
I’m not content with the same boring dividends quarter after quarter, year after year.
I want to squeeze every last penny of profits I can out of the world’s best stocks.
That’s where “The Law of Triple-Compounding Dividends” comes in.
It’s based on three simple rules…
1. Identify stocks with consistent, long-term dividend growth and a higher than average yield.
2. Prioritize the ones with extreme share price growth potential based on “must-have” products and services.
3. Then, reinvest through thick and thin.
It’s incredibly simple.
First… select stocks that have a history of increasing dividends every year without fail… sometimes for decades.
It goes without saying that nothing in investing is ever a given, including the certainty of dividend payments…
But by going with companies with a long history of paying progressively higher dividends, you are upping your opportunity to make money by a tremendous amount, and that’s the key.
Anything less means you are missing out on a powerful return booster – and the next best thing to guaranteed income.
Second… you’ll want to prioritize companies with a history of dramatic share price growth, based on “must-have” products and services that the world simply can’t live without and will pay practically any price to buy.
That, too, dramatically boosts your probability of profits.
This is a no-brainer…
We all want the stocks we own to go up.
But when you combine faster than average share-price growth with the acceleration of increasing dividends, you’re giving yourself another guarantee that you will multiply your wealth much faster.
That’s the second key to taking advantage of “Triple-Compounding Dividends.”
Third… always reinvest.
That’s the secret to capitalizing on good AND bad markets for fast profits.
Put it all together, and you have a divine circle of wealth!
When you buy stocks that are going up… you can make a lot of money.
If the company pays increasing dividends year in and year out… you can make even more money.
And, finally, by reinvesting your dividends, you can make huge profits, practically no matter what happens next in the markets.
Make sense?
I call it the “more of everything approach” – because that’s what you get when you use “The Law of Triple-Compounding Dividends.”
Now, here’s another “triple-compounding” company, so you can visualize exactly what I mean…
155% Gains PLUS…
A 245% Average Annual Dividend Increase!
This company “works” for one out of every six people in the United States.
That said, I would guess not more than 1 in 100 people even consider this company when they’re investing. It’s just not as alluring as the latest tech wonder.
Until you look at its triple-compounding potential…
This company’s share price has gone up almost continuously for years.
That’s a solid 155% gain since 2011, but that’s not the impressive part.
What’s impressive to me is that this firm has raised its dividend every year for 34 consecutive years.
And over that time, it has increased its dividend by a mind-boggling 8,329%…
OR 245% per year on average!
Of course, that’s an average, but over time that money really adds up.
Take a look at this…
$10,000 invested back then, without reinvesting your dividends, would be worth around $644,000 today.
As impressive as that sounds, reinvesting the dividends you’ve earned along the way would turn that same $10,000 into $1,088,000 – or 69% more!
That’s the power of triple-compounding!
If you can combine…
Impressive Growth
+ Growing Dividends
+ Reinvested Dividends
More $$$$$$$$$ for You
It’s that simple!
And as a group, because of Mr. Trump’s tax cuts, I estimate these firms are going to be swimming in an average of 31% more cash…
That comes out to more than $5.7 billion in extra cash that they can use to pay investors in dividends.
Not only this year, but the year after that, and the year after that.
And given their histories, the probability that they’ll be transferring a lot more of that money to investors is extremely high.
In just a moment, I’m going to give you the opportunity to get my research, including the names of ALL 10 of these companies
You’ll want to take action as quickly as possible, because the next dividend payments will be coming out in just a few days.
But first, let me introduce you to a couple more…
58 Consecutive Quarters Along with Increasing Dividends!
PLUS a Two-Year 178% Gain!
Do you know anything about the packaging industry?
Even if you do, I can almost guarantee that you haven’t heard about this next company – much less thought about investing in it.
And that would be too bad…
Because its stock has been on an absolute tear over the past two years – for a 178% gain.
That’s impressive and consistent growth, to be sure.
But add in that they have paid dividends for 58 consecutive quarters – and that they’ve doubled their dividend twice in just the past six years…
PLUS, they’ll have an estimated $99.9 million in extra cash on-hand this year…
And you’ve got another perfect “triple-compounding” stock to take advantage of President Trump’s tax cuts.
Here’s another one…
214% Gains PLUS 4,136% Dividend Growth!
This is not a tech company that typically comes to mind for income investors.
But it has all the hallmarks of a “triple-compounding” stock.
During the past several years, its shares have done almost nothing but go up.
That’s a 214% gain.
And this firm hasn’t missed a dividend payment for 192 consecutive quarters.
It’s also increased its dividend by 4,136%.
And it will have approximately $1.06 billion in extra cash to pay out to investors, this year!
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