When prompting people to follow their conscience on matters, the oft-touted “To thine own self be true” is occasionally cited as a Biblical recommendation. In truth, this saying originates in the Shakespearean tragedy Hamlet. Polonius, the older counselor of Prince Hamlet’s uncle, King Claudius, is in the midst of dispensing advice to his son Laertes (who was about to leave Denmark and return to France) when he speaks forth the famous line: “This above all things: to thine own self be true” (Hamlet, 3.1.81). Among his platitudes, he also says, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” (3.1.78) — another saying occasionally mistaken for Scripture.
But really how good is Polonius’s advice? Scripturally, we can only trust our conscience to guide us as far as it is being informed by the Spirit of God. Men, of their natural selves, are entirely corrupted; and so, to hold true to themselves would be to choose poorly indeed. Rather, we should seek God in prayer and ask Him to guide us in the paths of righteousness (cf. Psalm 23:3).
Sayings Not Found in Scripture
We often get questions by people asking us to locate various sayings in the Bible which do not exist. Many sayings have developed throughout the years by a variety of means. Scripture supports the purposes of some of the sayings while contradicting others.
This Week’s Portion #18 Mishpatim | משפטים | “Judgments” ሥርዓት | Sh’r’At [Shirat] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah […]
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