The Psalms of King David Verses Mohammedan Goliath is Draft-Essay is based upon the original article entitled Mohammed and King David, by George M Weinert V, Tuesday, April 15, 2008; however, due to the re-printing here we have thus renamed and edited the former version added the Amharic Psalms to this updated text, nuanced annotations and correct several minor errors, mostly punctuation and of a grammatical nature.
It seems astounding that we can look to the Book of Psalms that was written (with real pens and scrolls45 by the first Hebrews, i.e. the Jewish scribes that assembled the Torah at Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem beginning around 1,000 BC) 3,000 years ago to describe to a tee the insidious Islamofascist ideology46 that the Civilized world faces today. In reality it is hardly surprising for it speaks volumes about the Divine Truths of Our Lord that were written in the Hebrew Scriptures and Christian Bible in the ancient times. Followers of Islam cannot understand this basic concept of Truth. Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback Pages: 84 Language: English List Price:$14.83 Price: $11.86 You Save: $2.97 ( 20% )
This Week’s Portion #13 Shemot | שמות | “Names” ስሞች | S’moch [Simoch] *For a PDF version of All the Torah Portions Schedule, click here to download! 1. Torah […]
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