Amharic Names የአማርኛ ስሞች
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Transliteration | Pronunciation | Amharic | Meaning |
Fana | Fana | ፋና | Light, bright, hope |
Fananesh | Fananäš | ፋናነሽ | |
Fanos | Fanos | ፋኖስ | Lantern |
Fanose | Fanose | ፋኖሴ | My lantern, my oil lamp |
Fanaye | Fanayé | ፋናዬ | |
Fantaye | Fantaye | ፋንታዬ | My share |
Fantu | Fantu | ፋንቱ | |
Fasika | Fasika | ፋሲካ | Easter |
Fate | Fat’é | ፋጤ | |
Fatima | Fat’ima | ፋጢማ |
Weaning one, baby’s nurse. One who abstains. |
Fatuma | Fat’uma | ፋጡማ | |
Fekade | Fäk’adä | ፈቃደ | |
Fekade amlak | Fäk’adä amlak | ፈቃደ አምላክ | Will of God |
Fekadenesh | Fäk’adenäš | ፈቃዴነሽ | You are my will, you are my consent |
Fekadwa | Fäk’adwa | ፈቃዷ | |
Fekr / Feker |
Fïk’r | ፍቅር | Love, affection |
Fekerte | Fïk’ertä | ፍቅርተ | |
Felekech | Fälläk’äč | ፈለቀች | She sprung out, she originated |
Felege | Fälägä | ፈለገ | Wanted |
Felege heywut | Fälägä hïywut | ፈለገ ሕይወት | |
Felagot / Filagot |
Fïllagot | ፍላጐት | My desire |
Felfelwa | Fïlfïlwa | ፍልፍሏ | |
Fentanesh | Fäntanäš | ፈንታነሽ | You are a share, you are a portion |
Fere Alem | Fïre Aläm | ፍሬ ዓለም | Fruit of the world |
Fere Genet | Fïre Gännät | ፍሬ ገነት | Fruit of paradise |
Fere Heywet | Fïre Hïywät | ፍሬ ሕይወት | Fruit of life |
Fere Weyn | Fïre Wäyn | ፍሬ ወይን | Fruit of Vine (grape) |
Fere Zewd | Fïre Zäwd | ፍሬ ዘውድ | Fruit of the crown |
Ferezwed | Fïrézwäd | ፍሬ ዘውድ | |
Fereweyni | Fïréwäyni | ፍሬ ወይኒ | |
Fesesu | |||
Fesesewerk | |||
Fesum | Fïs’s’um | ፍጹም ፍፁም |
Fetiya | Fätiya | ፈቲያ | |
Fetle | Fätlä | ፈትለ | Thread |
Fetlewerk | Fätläwärk | ፈትለ ወርቅ | A thread of gold, a golden thread |
Feven | Fevän | ፌቨን | Bright, radiant. Biblical name: Phoebe, a Christian woman who aided Paul and others. |
Feyise | She has been saved | ||
Firmaye | Firmaye | ፊርማዬ | My signature |
Fozia / Fozeya / Fozeia |
The effort it takes to follow the route to victory. Desert flower (Muslim) | ||
Freole / Freaulai |
Above everyone (Oromigna) | ||
Freyhiwot | |||
Frezer | Fertile |
Transliteration | Pronunciation | Amharic | Meaning |
Fanta | Fanta | ፋንታ | A share, a portion |
Fantahun | FantaHun | ፋንታ ሁን | Be a share or a portion! |
Fantay | Fantay | ፋንታይ | |
Fantaye | Fantaye | ፋንታዬ | My share |
Fantu | Fantu | ፋንቱ | |
Fanuel | Fanu’él | ፋኑኤል | |
Faris | Faris | ፋሪስ | Horseman, knight (Muslim) |
Fassil | Fasil | ፋሲል | Ethiopian king |
Fassilidas | King of Ethiopia | ||
Fasika | Fasika | ፋሲካ | Easter |
Fedli | Fädli | ፈድሉ | |
Fekade | Fäk’adä | ፈቃደ | Will |
Fekade amlak | Fäk’adä Amlak | ፈቃደ አምላክ | Will of God |
Fekade selase | Fäk’adä Sïllase | ፈቃደ ሥላሴ | Will of the Trinity |
Fekadeneh | Fäk’adenäh | ፈቃዴነህ | You are my will, you are my consent |
Fekadu | Fäk’adu | ፈቃዱ | His permission |
Fekare Yessus | Ethiopian Christian name (Geez) | ||
Fekede | Fäk’k'ädä | ፈቀደ | He allowed, he authorized, he wanted |
Fekr / Feker |
Fïk’r Fïk’ïr |
ፍቅር | Love, affection |
Fekre | Fïk’rä | ፍቅረ | Love of, affection of, devotion of |
Fekre Kristos | Fïk’rä Krïstos | ፍቅረ ክርስቶስ | Love of Christ |
Fekre Ab | Fïk’rä Ab | ፍቅረ አብ | Love of the Father (God) |
Fekre Amlak | Fïk’rä Amlak | ፍቅረ አምላክ | Love of God |
Fekre Dengel | Fïk’rä Dïngïl | ፍቅረ ድንግል | Love of the Virgin |
Fekre Igziabeher | Fïk’rä ïgzi’abïher | ፍቅረ እግዚአብሔር | Love of the Lord |
Fekre Iyesus | Fïk’rä Iyyäsus | ፍቅረ ኢየሱስ | Love of Jesus |
Fekre Kristos | Fïk’rä Krïstos | ፍቅረ ክርስቶስ | Love of Christ |
Fekre Medhen | Fïk’rä Mädhïn | ፍቅረ መድኅን | Love of the Savior |
Fekre Markos | Fïk’rä Mark’os | ፍቅረ ማርቆስ | Love of Mark |
Fekre Maryam | Fïk’rä Maryam | ፍቅረ ማርያም | Love of Mary |
Fekre Kal | Fïk’rä K’al | ፍቅረ ቃል | Love of the Word |
Fekre Selase | Fïk’rä Sïllase | ፍቅረ ሥላሴ | Love of the Trinity |
Fekre Weld | Fïk’rä Wäld | ፍቅረ ወልድ | Love of the Son (God) |
Fekre | Fïk’re | ፍቅሬ | |
Fekru | Fïk’ru | ፍቅሩ | |
Fekur Seged | Fïk’ur Sägäd | ፍቁር ሰገድ | The beloved (friend, lover) bowed |
Fek Yebelu | Fäk’k’ Yïbälu | ፈቅ ይበሉ | May they stand aside! |
Felagot / Filagot |
Fïllagot | ፍላጐት | My desire |
Felege | Fällägä | ፈለገ | He wanted, he liked |
Felege Berhan | Fällägä bïrhan | ፈለገ ብርሃን | River of light |
Felege heywet | Fälägä hïywät | ፈለገ ሕይወት | River of life |
Felege selam | Fällägä Sälam | ፈለገ ሰላም | River of peace |
Feleke | Fälläk’ä | ፈለቀ | He sprung out, he originated |
Feloran | Fïloran | ፍሎራን | |
Fenote Sadek | Fïnotä S’adïk’ | ፍኖተ ጻድቅ | Path of of the righteous |
Fenote Selam | Fïnotä Sälam | ፍኖተ ሰላም | Path of peace |
Fentaneh | Fäntanäh | ፈንታነህ | You are a share, you are a portion |
Fente | Fänté | ፈንቴ | |
Ferdu | Fïrdu | ፍርዱ | His judgment |
Ferede | Färrädä | ፈረደ | He judged |
Fereizgi | Fïré’ïzgi | ፍሬእዝጊ | |
Fereja | Färäja | ፈረጃ | |
Fere Senay | Fïre sännay | ፍሬ ሠናይ | Good fruit |
Fere Igziabeher | Fïre | ፍሬ እግዚአብሔር | Fruit of the Lord |
Fere Markos | Fïre Mark’os | ፍሬ ማርቆስ | Fruit of Mark |
Fere Mikael | Fïre Mika’el | ፍሬ ሚካኤል | Fruit of Michael |
Fere Sega | Fïre S’ägga | ፍሬ ጸጋ | Fruit of grace |
Fere Senbet | Fïre sänbät | ፍሬ ሰንበት | Fruit of the Sabbath |
Fere Seyon | Fïre S’ïyon | ፍሬ ጽዮን | Fruit of Zion |
Ferew | Fïréw | ፍሬው | His fruit |
Ferd Yewek | Fïrd Yïwäk’ | ፍርድ ይወቅ | May he know about justice and judgement! |
Ferezwed | Fïrézwäd | ፍሬዘውድ | |
Feromsa / F’romsa/ Fromsa |
Färomsa | ፈሮምሳ | Friend, bring closer (in a family context) (Oromigna) |
Feseha / Fiseha |
Fïïssïha | ፍስሀ ፍስሐ ፍሥሐ |
Happiness, joy |
Feseha Selase | Fïïssïha Sïllase | ፍሥሐ ሥላሴ | Joy of the Trinity |
Feseha Seyon | Fïïssïha S’ïyon | ፍሥሐ ጽዮን | Joy of Zion |
Fesehaye / Fisehaye |
Fïssïhayyé | ፍስሀዬ ፍስሐዬ |
Fesesu | Fässäsu | ፈሰሱ | They were spilled over |
Fesum | Fïs’s’um | ፍጹም ፍፁም |
Fesum berhan | Fïs’s’um bïrhan | ፍጽምብርሃን | |
Feteh | Fïtïh | ፍትሕ | Justice, law |
Fetene | Fät’t'änä | ፈጠነ | He hastened, he hurried |
Fetenu | Fät’t'änu | ፈጠኑ | They hastened, they hurried |
Fetewi | Fïtewwi | ፍትዊ | |
Fetihi | Fätihi | ፈቲሂ | |
Fetur Zeab | Fït’ur Zä’ab | ፍጡር ዘአብ | Creation of the Father (God) |
Feyesa | Fäyyesa | ፈይሳ | |
Fida | Fida | ፊዳ | |
Filimon | |||
Filepos | Filep’os | ፊልጶስ | |
Filipos | Filip’os | ፊሊጶስ | |
Filesos | Files’os | ፊልጾስ | |
Finhas / Fineas |
Ethiopian king. Serpent’s mouth, oracle. Phineas | ||
Fitsum / F’tsum |
Absolute | ||
Frayzer / Frezer |
Fertile | ||
Frew / Ferew |
Seed |

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