Amharic Names የአማርኛ ስሞች
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Transliteration | Pronunciation | Amharic | Meaning |
Gabi | Gabi | ጋቢ | |
Gadesse | |||
Gadise | Shield, Shelter | ||
Gebeyanesh | GäbäyaNäš | ገበያ ነሽ | You are a market |
Gebre’elwa | Gäbre’élwa | ገብርኤሏ | |
Gedamnesh | Gädamnäš | ገዳም ነሽ | |
Gedarm | |||
Gedey | Gïdäy | ግደይ | |
Gela Nesh | Gäla Näš | ገላ ነሽ | |
Gelila / Delilah |
Gälila | ገሊላ | Galilee. The Beautiful Temptress |
Gelilawit | Gälilawit | ገሊላዊት | Galilean |
Gemanesh | Gämanäš | ገማነሽ | You are generous, you are open handed |
Genet | Gännät | ገነት | Promise, Eden, Paradise |
Geneti | Gännäti | ገነቴ | |
Genzeb | |||
Gera Werk | Gera Wärk’ | ጌራወርቅ | Headpiece (headband) of gold |
Germanesh | Gïrmanäš | ግርማነሽ | |
Germayenesh | Gïrmayenäš | ግርማዬነሽ | You are my splendor |
Gesesech | Gäsäsäč | ገሠሠች | |
Gete | Gét’é | ጌጤ | My jewel |
Getenesh | Gét’éNäš | ጌጤ ነሽ | You are my ornament |
Getu | Gét’u | ጌጡ | His jewel |
Giftee | My Lady | ||
Gize | Gizé | ጊዜ | Time |
Gizeshw’k / Gizeshwork / Gizeshwerk |
Gïzešwärk’ | ግዜሽወርቅ | Time is gold |
Gobena | |||
Gomezhe Shewa | Gwämäžžä šäwa | ጐመዠ ሸዋ | Shäwa craved, Shäwa desired eagerly |
Gosayenesh | Gwäsayenäš | ጐሳዬነሽ | You are of my tribe |
Guday | Gudday | ጉዳይ | affair, issue |
Gudo | Gudo | ጉዶ | |
Gwadaye | Gwadaye | ጓዳዬ |
Transliteration | Pronunciation | Amharic | Meaning |
Gabra / Gebre |
An Offering | ||
Gabrel/ Gabriel |
Gäbrï’él | ገብርኤል | God Is My Strength – Biblical . Gabriel |
Gad | One Of The 12 Tribes Of God | ||
Gedlu | Gädle | ገድሉ | Chronicler |
Galawdeyos | Ethiopian King | ||
Garedew | Garïdäw | ጋርደው | Shelter him! Conceal him! Cover him! |
Gasha | Gašša | ጋሻ | |
Gashahun | Gaššahun | ጋሻሁን | Be a shield! |
Gashaw | Gaššaw | ጋሻው | His shield |
Gashaw beza | Gaššaw bäzza | ጋሻው በዛ | The shield became numerous, the shield increased |
Gebeyehu | Gäbäyyähu | ገበየሁ | I shopped, I acquired |
Gebesa | Gäbbéssa | ገቤሳ | |
Gebeyaneh | Gäbäyanäh | ገበያነህ | You are a market |
Gebeyaw | Gäbäyaw | ገበያው | His market |
Gebrat | Gäbrat | ገብራት | |
Gebray | Gäbray | ገብራይ | |
Gebre | Gäbré | ገብሬ | |
Gebre | Gäbrä | ገብረ | Servant of, offered in servitude of |
Gebre Ab | Gäbrä Ab | ገብረ አብ | Servant of the Father |
Gebre Amlak | Gäbrä Amlak | ገብረ አምላክ | Servant of God |
Gebre Amanuel | Gäbrä Ammanu’el | ገብረ ዐማኑኤል | Servant of Emmanuel |
Gebre Berhan | Gäbrä Bïrhan | ገብረ ብርሃን | Servant of the light |
Gebre Dengel | Gäbrä Dïngïl | ገብረ ድንግል | Servant of the Virgin |
Gebre Igziabeher | Gäbrä ïgzi’abïher | ገብረ እግዚአብሔር | Servant of the Lord |
Gebre Ewostatewos | Gäbrä Ewostatewos | ገብረ ኤዎስታቴዎስ | Servant of Ewostatewos (son of God) |
Gebre Giyorgis | Gäbrä Giyorgis | ገብረ ጊዮርጊስ | Servant of George |
Gebre Hana | Gäbrä Hanna | ገብረ ሓና | Servant of Hannah |
Gebre Hawaryat | Gäbrä Hawaryat | ገብረ ሓዋርያት | Servant of the apostles |
Gebre Haymanot | Gäbrä Haymanot | ገብረ ሃይማኖት | Servant of the faith |
Gebre Heywet | Gäbrä Hïywät | ገብረ ሕይወት | Servant of life |
Gebre Iyesus | Gäbrä Iyyäsus | ገብረ ኢየሱስ | Servant of Jesus |
Gebre Kidan | Gäbrä Kidan | ገብረ ኪዳን | Servant of the covenant |
Gebre Kristos | Gäbrä Krïstos | ገብረ ክርስቶስ | Servant of Christ |
Gebre Leul | Gäbrä Lï’ul | ገብረ ልዑል | Servant of the prince (exalted) |
Gebre Medhen | Gäbrä Mädhïn | ገብረ መድኅን | Servant of the Savior |
Gebre Melekot | Gäbrä Mäläkot | ገብረ መለኮት | Servant of divinity |
Gebre Menfes Kedus | Gäbrä Mänfäs K’ïddus | ገብረ መንፈስ ቅዱስ | Servant of the Holy Spirit |
Gebre Maryam | Gäbrä Maryam | ገብረ ማርያም | Servant of Mary |
Gebre Meskel | Gäbrä Mäsk’äl | ገብረ መስቀል | Servant of the Cross |
Gebre Mikael | Gäbrä Mika’el | ገብረ ሚካኤል | Servant of Michael |
Gebre Kal | Gäbrä K’al | ገብረ ቃል | Servant of the Word |
Gebre Sedek | Gäbrä S’adïk’ | ገብረ ጻድቅ | Servant of the Righteous |
Gebre Selam | Gäbrä Sä lam | ገብረ ሰላም | Servant of peace |
Gebre Semaet | Gäbrä Säma’ït | ገብረ ሰማዕት | Servant of the martyr |
Gebre Semayat | Gäbrä Sämayat | ገብረ ሰማያት | Servant of the heavens |
Gebre Senbet | Gäbrä Sänbät | ገብረ ሰንበት | Servant of the Sabbath |
Gebre Selase | Gäbrä Sïlase | ገብረ ሥላሴ | Servant of the Trinity |
Gebre Seyon | Gäbrä S’ïyon | ገብረ ጽዮን | Servant of Zion |
Gebre Tensae | Gäbrä Tïnsa’e | ገብረ ትንሣኤ | Servant of the resurrection |
Gebre Weld | Gäbrä Wäld | ገብረ ወልድ | Servant of the Son (God) |
Gebre Yohanes | Gäbrä Yohannïs | ገብረ ዮሓንስ | Servant of John |
Gebreye | Gäbrïyyé | ገብርዬ | |
Gebru | Gäbru | ገብሩ | |
Gebisa | Gäbbisa | ገቢሳ | |
Gedarm / Gedam |
Gädam | ገዳም | A monastery, a convent |
Gedamu | Gädamu | ገዳሙ | |
Gedebu | Gädäbu | ገደቡ | His barrier, his dam |
Gedey | Gedäy | ግደይ | |
Gedeyon / Gedeon |
Biblical: Destructor, powerful warrior. Gideon | ||
Gedle | Gädlé | ገድሌ | |
Gedle Giyorgis | Gädle Giyorgis | ገድሌ | Life of George, struggle of George |
Gedlu | Gädlu | ገድሉ | Chronicler |
Gefabachew | Gïfabaččäw | ግፋባቸው | Push on them! Advance towards them! |
Gela | Gäla | ገላ | Body |
Gelaedewos | Gälaedéwos | ገላውዴዎስ | |
Gelagel | Gälagïl | ገላግል | Arbitrate! Rescue from danger! |
Gelagle | Gälaglé | ገላግሌ | |
Gela Hun | Gäla Hun | ገላ ሁን | |
Gelan | Gälan | ገላን | |
Gelana | Gälana | ገላና | |
Gela Neh | Gäla Näh | ገላ ነህ | |
Gelaye | Gälayé | ገላዬ | My body |
Gelaw | Gälaw | ገላው | His body |
Gelelcha | Gälälča | ገለልቻ | |
Geleta | Gäläta | ገለታ | |
Geletaw | Gälätaw | ገለታው | |
Geletu | Gälätu | ገለቱ | |
Gelila | Gälila | ገሊላ | Galilee |
Gelilawi | Gälilawi | ገሊላዊ | Galilean |
Gemaneh | Gämanäh | ገማነህ | You are generous, you are open handed |
Gemech | Gämmäčč | ገመች | |
Gemechu | Gämmäčču | ገመቹ | |
Gemeda | Gämmädda | ገመዳ | |
Gemoraw | Gämoraw | ገሞራው | |
Gena | Gänna | ገና | |
Genana | Gänana | ገናና | Famous |
Genale | Gännalé | ገናሌ | |
Genemo | Gänämo | ገነሞ | |
Genene | Gännänä | ገነነ | He became famous or abundant |
Genet | Gännät | ገነት | Paradise |
Genete | Gännäte | ገነቴ | |
Genete Iyesus | Gännäte Iyyäsus | ገነቴ ኢየሱስ | Paradise of Jesus |
Genete Kristos | Gännäte Krïstos | ገነቴ ክርስቶስ | Paradise of Christ |
Genzeb | Gänzäb | ገንዘብ | |
Gera | Géra | ጌራ | |
Geragn | Gïraññ | ግራኝ | Left-handed |
Geramikael | Géramika’el | ጌራሚ ካኤል | |
Gerawerk | Gérawärk | ጌራወርቅ | |
Gerema | Gäräma | ገሪማ | |
Geremew | Gärrämäw | ገረመው | He was astonished |
Geresu | Gäräsu | ገረሱ | |
Germa / Girma |
Gïrma | ግርማ | Glory, majesty, dignity |
Germa Seyon | Gïrma S’ïyon | ግርማ ጽዮን | Majesty of Zion |
Germachew | Gïrmaččäw | ግርማቸው | |
Germame | Gärmammé | ገርማሜ | |
Germay | Gïrmay | ግርማይ | |
Germaye | Gïrmayé | ግርማዬ | |
Germayeneh | Gïrmayenäh | ግርማዬነህ | You are my splendor |
Germaw | Gïrmaw | ግርማው | |
Germawi | Gïrmawi | ግርማዊ | Glorious, Majestic |
Gersem | Ethiopian Emperor | ||
Gerum / Girum |
Gïrum | ግሩም | Wonderful, amazing, marvelous |
Gesges | Gäsgïs | ገስግስ | Walk on a rapid march! |
Gesese | Gässäsä | ገሠሠ ገሰሰ |
He obliterated, he wiped out |
Gesesew | Gässäsäw | ገሰሰው | |
Geta | Géta | ጌታ | Lord |
Getachew | Gétaččäw | ጌታቸው | Their lord |
Getahun | GétaHun | ጌታሁን | Be a lord! |
Geta Mesay | Géta Mäsay | ጌታ መሳይ | One who resembles a lord |
GetaNeh | GétaNäh | ጌታነህ | You are a lord, you are a master, you are an owner |
Getan Mefrat | Getan Mäfrat | ጌታን መፍራት | To fear the Lord |
Getasew | Getasäw | ጌታሰው | Master man (person) |
Getaw | Gétaw | ጌታው | The Lord |
Geta Yawkal | Geta Yawk’al | ጌታ ያውቃል | The Lord knows |
Getaye | Getaye | ጌታዬ | My lord |
Gete | Gét’é | ጌጤ | |
Geteye | Getïye | ጌትዬ | My lord |
Geteneh | Get’enäh | ጌጤነህ | You are my ornament |
Getenet | Gétennät | ጌትነት | Lordship |
Getu | Getu | ጌቱ | Lord |
Getu | Gét’u | ጌጡ | His jewel |
Gezachew | Gïzaččäw | ግዛቸው | Govern them! Buy them! Dominate them! |
Gezahegn | Gäzzahäññ | ገዛኸኝ | You bought me, you possessed me, you dominated me |
Gezaw / Gizaw |
Gïzaw | ግዛው | Govern him! Dominate him! |
Gezawu | Gïzawu | ግዛዉ | |
Ghidewon / Gedewon |
Gédéwon | ጌዴዎን | |
Gedey | Gïdäy | ![]() |
Gedeyon | Gédéyon | ጌዴዮን ጌዲዮን | |
Geyon | Gïyon | ግዮን | |
Geytom | Geytom | ጎይቶም | |
Gidada | |||
Gimergis | Gimïrgis | ጊዎርጊስ | |
Girgiro | Girgiro | ጊርጊሮ | |
Giyorgis | Giyorgis | ጊዮርጊስ | George |
Gize | Gizé | ጊዜ | Time |
Goal | Goal | ጐአል | |
Gobaye | Gobaye | ጐሳዬ | |
Gobena | Gobäna | ጐበና | |
Gobegna | Gobäñña | ጐበኛ | |
Gobez Ayehu / Gwebez Ayehu |
Gwäbbäz Ayyähu | ጐበዝ አየሁ | I saw a brave |
Gobeze | Gobäzé | ጐበዜ | Brave, strong, brilliant, clever |
Gobu | Gobu | ጐቡ | |
Godana | Godana | ጐዳና | |
Goliad / Goliath |
Revealing | ||
Gonder | Gondär | ጎንደር | A region and a city in Ethiopia |
Gonfa | Gonfa | ጐንፋ | |
Gorfneh | GorfNäh | ጐርፍነህ | |
Gorfu | Gorfu | ጐርፉ ጎርፉ |
The flood |
Gorgoreyos | Gorgorïyos | ጐርጐርዮስ | |
Gosa | Gosa | ጐሳ | |
Gosaye | Gosayé | ጐሳዬ | My tribe |
Goshse | Goššse | ጐሽሜ | |
Goshu | Goššu | ጐሹ | The buffalo |
Gosayeneh | Gwäsayenäh | ጐሳዬነህ | You are of my tribe |
Gosheme | Gwäššïmme | ጐሽሜ | One who pokes in the ribs with the elbow |
Goytom / Goitom / |
Goytom | ጐይቶም ጐይትኦም |
Gozguz | Gozguz | ጐዝጉዝ | |
Gubae | Guba’é | ጉባኤ | |
Gubel | Gubel | ጉብል | |
Guday | Gudday | ጉዳይ | Affair, issue, matter |
Gudayé | Guddayé | ጉዳዬ | My Affair |
Gudayu | Guddayu | ጉዳዩ | |
Gudeta | Guddäta | ጉደታ | |
Gudina | Guddina | ጉዲና | |
Gudu | Gudu | ጉዱ | |
Gukssa / Guggsa |
Gugsa | ጉግሣ ጉግሳ |
Gulbetu | Gulbätu | ጉልበቱ | His knee |
Gulelat | Gullïlat | ጉልላት | A dome, a cupola |
Gulema | Gulemma | ጉልማ | My son |
Gulte | Gulté | ጉልቴ | |
Gura | Gura | ጉራ | |
Guracha | Gurračča | ጉራቻ | |
Gurara | Gurara | ጉራራ | |
Gurmesa | Gurméssa | ጉርሜሳ | |
Gurmu | Gurmu | ጉርሙ | |
Gursum | Gursum | ጉርሱም | |
Guta | Guta | ጉታ | |
Gutema | Gutäma | ጉተማ | |
Guteya | Gutteyya | ጉትያ | |
Gutu | Guttu | ጉቱ | |
Guya | Guyya | ጉያ | |
Gwadaye | Gwadaye | ጓዳዬ | |
Gwade | Gwaddé | ጓዴ |

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