Dr. Melaku E. Bayen: Ethiopian Emissary to Black America 1936-1941
Founder of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated
on August 25, 1937, in the State of New York.
1937 August 25 Dr. Melaku E. Bayen merges al pro-Ethiopian organizations into a new Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated with Local #1 International Headquarters in New York. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated adopts Rabbi Ford's "Ethiopia Awaken" as its Anthem. Dr. Lorenzo H. King, Pastor of St. Mark's Methodist Church in Harlem, was elected the Federation's First President. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated assumed official control of all fund-raising activities in the United States, only a limited percentage of even these modest contributions seems to have reached its proper destination. The Organization was first formed and created to remedy a situation of fraud that existed at time in which certain black "embezelers and racheteers" were attempting to take advantage of African American sympathyfor the Ethiopian people during the war. These criminals were giving the public the false impression that they were collecting contributions, donations and other funds for Ethiopia's defense however, they were stealing the monies for their personal gain. On the other hand there were some responsibble individuals, groups and organizations who may have engaged in fauty business practices and mismanaged funds.
1937 September 3 The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated Presents its Charter Law Firm of Delaney, Lewis and Williams presents the Charter of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated (EWF) at the regular Friday meeting of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, 36 West 135th Street, New York, NY. The three Directors of said Corporation until the first annual meeting were: Goulbourne M. Blacknett, Matthew E. Gardner and Dorothy H. Bayen.
1938 July It was reported in July, 1938 that the Federation had founded ten locals in the United States and had another twenty-two applications pending.
1939 August 5 Dr. Bayen is rushed to Bellvue Hospital after he suffers a nervous breakdown attributed to overwork at his home at 101 West 112th Street, New York, NY. His condition had improved somewhat after August, and he returned to his work with the Federation.
1940 March By 1940, there were twenty-two Actual Branches in existence, some of which were located in Latin America and West Indies; its membership was said to be in the thousands. Dr. Bayen's health broke down again, and in March 1940 he left New York City for treatment at Rockland State Hospital, un up-state sanitarium. Notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of the hospital's staff, Dr. Bayen developed lobar pneumonia, and died on May 4, 1940, almost four years to the very day of the Italian entrance into Addis Abeba, Ethiopia and one year prior to Haile Sellassie I's triumphant return to the Ethiopian capital. Though brief and for the most part unheralded, Dr. Melaku E. Bayen's life was not without significance. Dr. Bayen was the first Ethiopian seriously and steadfastly to commit himself to achieving spiritual and physical bonds of fellowship between his own people and peoples of African descent in the Americas. Builing upon the earlier but largely unsustained efforts of persons like Kantiba Gabrou, the Mayor of Gondar, and Dr. Azaj Workneh Martin, Dr. Bayen exerted himself to the fullest in attempting to bring about some kind of formal and continuing relationship designed to benefit both the Ethiopian and Afro-American.
1941 May 25 The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated now has twenty-seven (27) Branches with 10,000 Members. The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated Victory Day Parade took Place in Harlem New York.
1942 The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated's membership, Executive Council and the Executive Secretary of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated Headquarters in New York, Mr. George Bryant, requests a land grant of the Conquering Lion of Judah, His Imperial Majesty, Haile Sellassie I in the "promised land" of the Black People, in biblical Ethiopia, East Africa.
1948 H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I grants 500 Hectors of land in Shashamane, Ethiopia to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated Members which was compried of the Black Peoples of the world who desired to Repatriate and see the motherland restored to her former state of complete independence and self-reliance, through the cooperative efforts of the Black Race. EWF Jamaican members James and Helen Piper also repatriate to the "promised land", to Ethiopia, East Africa.
1951 October The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated is issued a Determination Letter with Federal Identificatin Number 13-6161605, that recognized the organization officially and legally as exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.
1952 EWF members James and Helen Piper return to the United States of America to meet with 1st Unit Executive Council and Membership of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, Local Number One International Headquarters located in New York, New York.
1954 May - June H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I visits the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
1955 H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I grants Revised Ethiopian Constitution, providing for the Citizenship of the Black People of the West who are members of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in the United States of America. EWF members James and Helen Piper return to Ethiopia with a small group. H.I.M. Haile Sallassie I appoints Mr. and Mrs. Piper as Administrator of the Chartered Land in Shashamane, Ethiopia. Dr. Gladstone Robinson opens up an elementary school named after Dr. Melaku Emmanuel Bayen and taught over 100 children free of charge.
1963 Douglas Mack, a member of the first Mission to Africa, helps form the African Repatriation Committee (ARC) in New York as a "Special Committee" of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated along with executive members Dr. Gladstone Robinson (Fikre Sellassie), Hugh Scott (Brother Daggo), and Patrick Diaz (Elder Gabriel).
1964 African Repatriation Committee (ARC) in New York sponsors the second Rastafari Mission to Africa.
1967 February 4 Dr. Gladstone Robinson waslegally and constitutionally appointed "Power-of-Attorney", the Organization's sole true and lawful attorney, for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in regards to the parent entity, the registered Organization, the Land Grant(s) of His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Ethiopia and The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated generally. The African Opinionwhich carried on the work of Dr. Melaku E. Bayen's the Voice of Ethiopia reports how an EWF fund had been established to enable pioneers to repatriate to Ethiopia and settle on The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated's Land Granted to its registered membership. Dr. Robinson also one of the founders and chairman of the EWF Special Committee known as "the African Repatriation Committee."
1970 October 1 H.I.M. Haile Sellassie I visits The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated membership on the Shashamane Land Grant and requests to see the former land grant administrator, Mr. James Piper, who refused by sending H.I.M. the message that he was keeping his Sabbath and did not honor H.I.M. Haile Sellassie by coming forward. An EWF special committee established in Ethiopia by the legal EWF Executive and Land Grant Administrator, Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney, known as "the Pioneer Settlers Corp". Due to the large number of Jamaican and Rastafarians, the Jamaican born Mr. Solomon Wolfe became the spokesman for this special committee, "the Pioneer Settlers Corp." However, undocumented rumours were solicited and spread by fellow Jamaican Rastafarians that Mr. Wolfe's representative role as "chairman" of "the Pioneer Settlers Corp" was erroneously presented to the ill-informed public as "Chief Administrator" of the said land grant. It was even claimed that H.I.M. authorized this appointment by the Jamaican Rastafarian supporters of Mr. Wolfe, however, that would contradict the authority invested in The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated, the official land grant authority. The logical fallacy was circulated that The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated was "dead"and the land grant was given to the "Rastafarians", namely Jamaican Rastafarians. Of the twelve (12) "Pioneer Settler's", only two (2) were African-American EWF Executives, namely Dr. Robinson and Brother Hillman.
1974 September 13 The Derg takes responsibility for the Ethiopian Government and abused The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated legal executives and membership on the Shashamane Land Grant. The Anti-American Communism adversely affected The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in the carrying out of its constitutional "aims and objects" (Art. 1 Sec. 7, 8). The legal authority of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated was compromised after the Coup and change of the Imperial Ethiopian government.
1981 July The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated was officially re-activated in the United States of America by Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated since 1967, who was duly elected International President of the 1st Unit Principle Office along with the two of the 1937 Charter Executives, George A. Bryan elected as International Organizer and Lisane W. Woubou as the Technical and Cultural Advisor. Dr. Robinson, registeredThe Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated with the Office of New York State Attorney General, Charaties Bureau and received a NY State Registration Number 11-00-59 Type 7A.
1982 July Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated since 1967, is duly re-elected as International President of the 1st Unit Principle Office, constitutionally known as "Local Number One". The Federation held many cultural activities to promote love and good-will among Ethiopians at home and abroad and thereby maintain the inegrity and sovereignity of Ethiopia, to disseminate the Ancient Ethiopian Culture among its members, to correct abuses, relieve oppression and carve for ourselves and our posterity, a destiny comparable with our idea of perfect manhood and God's purpose in creating us; that that we may not only save ourselves from annihalation, but carve for ourselves a place in the sun; in the endevour, we determine to seek peace and persue it, for it is the will of God for man.
1983 July Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney and executive council officer for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated since 1967, is duly re-elected as International President of the Principle Office, the Federation's official headquarters. The Black People of the west lost interest in Ethiopia due to the internal war, the famine and the poor portrayal of the country as a desolate country which allowed criminal activities to take place in the name of the Federation but for the benefit of embezellers and racketeerers. The executives repatriated to Ethiopia to promote the Federation in the African Continent and estabish locals who desired to uphold the Name, Aims and Objects of TheEthiopian World Federation, Incorporated Constitution & By Laws which was drafted by the Law Firm of Delaney, Lewis and Williams whom issued the charter to the TheEthiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937.
1991 An academic club and Ethiopic-letter fraternity called "The Lion Of Judah Society",at Brooklyn College/CUNY (City University of New York) hosts a series meetings cn-campus with now known unauthorized and documented non-members of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated 1937, (namely A. R. King & Mr. Solomon Wolfe) and assists in EWF related publicity campaigns generally to re-activate the EWF "Local #1" Headquarters in New York, New York. May 1991, Mengistu HaileMariam, leader of the Derg, flees to Zimbabwe.
1992 Jamaican Government closes its Embassy in Ethiopia due to a large amount of complaints, criminal activity and illegal aliens squatting in Ethiopia.
1994 The Plaintiff(s), Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris, Albert Smith and their attorney Gayman Wesley Simpson, PC illegally purchase property with the Federation's EIN Number which is now in Foreclosure Index No. 32962/00 at Supreme Court, Clerks Office, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York. The Federal Democratic of Ethiopia issues its Constitution changing H.I.M. Haile Sellassie's Citizenship provision for the Black People of the West.
1996 February 22 The Plaintiff(s), Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smith incorporate two (2) seperate entities both with very similar name as the Federation to mislead and defraud Pro-Ethiopian Black People of America. These criminals along with their group have been giving the public the false impression that they are the "Federation" and were collecting contributions, donations and other funds for Ethiopia but were actually stealing the monies for their personal gain.
"The Ethiopian World Federation Local Number One, Inc. & The Ethiopian World Federation, Local Number One, Incorporated"
Both incorporated on February 22, 1996 by The Plaintiff(s), Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smith.
These criminals along with their group were taken to Court by Lynval Samuel another individual who is also not a member which resulted in the ultimate chaos because both parties were not members of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated in 1937 and had no authority or right to act for or on behalf of the Federation.
1998 The Lion Of Judah Society, now a Faith-based Christian Rastafari and Ethiopian church with co-labourers, locally and nationally successfully lobbies International Organizations such as the UN, OAU, IMF, etc. on behalf of the Federation.
2000 The Lion Of Judah Society and pending EWF membership(s) inquire about official authority and legality of the "Federation" Membership(s), Chartered Locals Status and Charter Applications from the now known unauthorized and documented suspected criminals such as Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris, Albert Smith and their group(s) who "claimed" to be "duly elected officers" of the Federation but are in fact separate entities. The Plaintiff(s), Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris, Albert Smith and their group give the Lion Of Judah Society members the runaround and fraudulent advice when they were asked to provide them the Federation's Entity Information which is available for the public by the Freedom of Information Act, along with the Federation's Principle Office, Membership Acceptance Letter of which they claimed. This began the three (3) year search and investigation into the true legal and constitutional authority of the Federation, then and now.
2002 The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and confirm with the The New York State, Division of Corporations that there are four (4) corporations with a very similar name to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 Name which are called:
1. The Ethiopian World Federation Local Number One, Inc. on February 22, 1996
by Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smith
with DOS Process Address 656 East 53rd St., Brooklyn, NY 11203
2. The Ethiopian World Federation, Local Number One, Incorporated on February 22, 1996
by Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smith
with DOS Process Address 656 East 53rd St., Brooklyn, NY 11203
3. Ethiopian World Federation Local #10 Inc., Abbatinnant Ethiopia on February 8, 2001
by Ingrid
with DOS Process Address 385 Webster Avenue, Rochester, NY 14609
4. The Ethiopian World Federation Local Number 12 Incorporated on April 9, 2001
by Ms. Joan Henry
with DOS Process Address 15 Acacia Ave., Hempstead, NY 11550
The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and confirm with the The California Secretary of State, Division of Corporations that there are three (3) corporations with a very similar name to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 Name which are called:
1. The Ethiopian World Federation, Local Number Two, Incorporated Melchizedek Order on April 25, 2000
by Francis Xavier Poleon
with DOS Process Address 422 E. 41st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90008
2. The Ethiopian World Federation, Melchizedek Local Number Twenty Three, Incorporated onOctober 3, 2003
by Carey Toliver
with DOS Process Address 4096 Piedmont Ave., #335, Oakland, CA 94611
3. The Ethiopian World Federation Local Number Twenty Five, Incorporated on June 6, 2003
by Jerri Jheto
with DOS Process Address 2136 1/2 W. Jefferson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90018 and mailing address same as the #1 above.
The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and confirm verify, authenticate and confirm with the The Pennsylvania Department of State, Division of Corporations that there is one (1) corporation with a very similar name to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 Name which is called:
1. The Ethiopian World Federation, Inc. Local9 on August 13, 1999
by Ras Alula Gabre Selassie, Princess Sweda-Key-I-Da R Brisco and Kenneth Nicholson
with DOS Process Address 1609 Cecil B Moore, PO Box 42852, Philadelphia, PA 19123
The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and confirm with the The Washington Secretary of State, Division of Corporations that there is one (1) corporation with a very similar name to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 Name which is called:
1. The Ethiopian World Federation Emperor Yekuno Amlak Local Number Sixteen on August 11, 2003
by John Douglas
with DOS Process Address 3615 2nd Ave., Apt. A, Seattle, WA 98107
The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and confirm with the The Virginia State Corporations Commission that there is one (1) corporation with a very similar name to The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 Name which is called:
1. The Ethiopian World Federation, Melchizedek Order Local Number Eighteen, Incorporated on March 23, 2004
by Bernard Lake, Pauline Morrison, Schannon Chandler, Daniel Allen, Ray Edwards, Nneka Eni and Linwood Fields
with DOS Process Address 617 W. 35th Street, Norfolk, VA 23508
2003 The Lion Of Judah Society and EWF membership verify, authenticate and inform the Pro-Ethiopian, Afro-American Communities Worldwide and the general public about Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smith as well as the many similarly named entities which they aided and abetted as co-accomplices and co-conspirators in an incorporation scam and scandal in order to continue their illegal activities in the "Federation Name".
Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney, appointed the legal and constitutional power-of-attorney for TheEthiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 in regards to Organization, the Land Grant(s) of His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Ethiopia and The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated international pays fact-finding visit the United States of America from Ethiopia to further investigate the rumours of illegal and adverse activities (Art 1 Sec. 7) taking place by unauthorized persons conducting business in the Federation's name. Dr. Robinson meets with numerous individuals who are members of corporations posing as "locals" which have a similar name(s) to "Federation", all claiming to be the "Federation" in order to verify, authenticate and confirm who are the culprates that were doing this knowingly in violation of the law and legal process. Dr. Gladstone Robinson, was then able to verify, authenticate and confirm for himself that the majority of unauthorized persons who falsely claimed to be "Federation" members are, in fact, Non-Members (Art 2 Sec. 3). Most of these individuals base their claims on the basis of the logical fallacy of "all Black People are members of the Federation" which contradicts the Constitution and By-Laws.
Dr. Gladstone Robinson, meets with The Lion Of Judah Society and pending EWF membership(s), who were seeking to establish a Local legitimately according to the EWF Constitution and By-Laws becomes better informed of the illegal activities along with the legal evidences documenting the fraud and disenfranchisement of Ethiopians and African-Americans that has been taking place for the previous ten (10) years in the name of the Federation, namely by Ronald Pennycooke, Orville Morris and Albert Smithand the many entities with similar name(s) to the "Federation", which they have unconstitutionally incorporated nationwide. After carefull review of the numerous unconstitutional certificate of incorporations of entities with a very similar name(s) to the Federation, Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney, appointed the legal and constitutional attorney and executive head officially accepts The Lion Of Judah Society's pending EWF membership Charter Application and Pledges in its membership (By-Laws Sec. 6) and duly elected officers (Art. 4 Sec. 3; By-Laws Sec. 6) in to the legal office(s) of the First Unit also known Constitutionally as Local Number One (Art 5 Sec. 1) in order to investigate, audit and correct the "unfinished business", unauthorized use and abuse of the Federation's Name, Aims and Objects (Art. 1 Sec. 7). The legal and constitutional 1st Unit, Executive Council and legal advisory established February 2003 to complete a full investigation, auditing and other necessary acts prior to any future Annual Convention be authorized, accredited and duly called (Art. 5).
Furthermore, Dr. Gladstone Robinson, the sole true and lawful attorney and executive council chairman appoints Tehetena Girma and Ras Iadonis Tafari, executive members of the Federation's Principle Office as Power-of-Attorney(s) for The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 in regards to Land Grant(s) of His Imperial Majesty, The Emperor of Ethiopia and To The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated to Act-Together with full legal and executive authority. Power-of-Attorney(s) Tehetena Girma and Ras Iadonis Tafari along with The Legal First Unit also known as Local Number One of the Federation notify the NYSDOS, NYSOAG, IRS and the FDRE, the current status of The Ethiopian World Federation, Incorporated on August 25, 1937 and of its internal investigation of unauthorized persons who've illegally used the Federation's Name & EIN#.
2004 The Legal First Unit also known as Local Number One of the Federation along with Power-of-Attorney(s) Tehetena Girma and Ras Iadonis Tafari notified all corporations with similar names nationwide to dissolve their similarly named entities in order to legally and constitutionally apply for a legal charter and to inform their membership who think that they are members of the "Federation", that they are members of an organization with a similar name.
The Legal First Unit also known as Local Number One of the Federation along with Power-of-Attorney(s) Tehetena Girma and Ras Iadonis Tafari notified all Federation membership(s) and all corporations posing as "locals" with similar names that their will be no convention until the verification, credentials and legal registration of subsidiary locals and their respective members.
2005 The Legal and Constitutional 1st Unit, the official Local Number One of the Federation, along with Legal Advisory continues on-going investigations to uncover illegal bank accounts opened in the Federation's Name and EIN#, as well as to inform the public, pending and interested members/officers of the current status of the parent entity.