So, who are we and what do we do?

We are an Outreach Ministry; a "Free the Prisoners" Ministry. Our focus is firstly and foremostly Spiritual based upon the individual looking for help. We freely offer a variety of spiritual reading materials. We provide many types of support letters on our organization's ministry letter head, signed and officially sealed. We promote and provide at least a year-long Spiritual Recovery Correspondence Course and Curriculum Packages for those in need of a more structured Program. We also offer H.I.M. Bible Study, Recovery and Spiritual Training Classes on-site where and when available for those who are physically incarcerated.

We utilize the Scofield Study Bible (English-based 1611 KJV), the 1961 Authorized Version of Haile Selassie I Royal Amharic Bible, the Selected Teachings (Public Utterances & Interviews) of His Imperial Majesty, the A'EMRO 30-Step Lesson Program and A Course in Amharic & Bible Home Schooling, simply because that is what worked and still is working for us in the perfection of the Way, the Truth and the Life Eternal!!!

Now to the “heartbeat” (do good) of who we are. Over and over, we experience the devastation, loneliness and pain of a "lost sheep" generation of men and women incarcerated because of the “war on drugs” around the world. The prisons are terribly overcrowded and house more of our fellow and potential citizens (of the Kingdom of God) than ever before. Yet, we never seem to “win” this war...Yet! And, Why Not? Is it really a “war”, a SPIRITUAL WAR or, as some can comprehend it, it is an overt sign of the immense spiritual deprivation that this country and the "world" now suffers from? We are not speaking of a pseudo dogma, creedo or an institution in particular; what we are addressing is the TRUE lack of a spiritual connection with a Higher Power, the True God and Father of Our Lord and Saviour YESUS KRISTOS.

"There but for the grace of God, go I."RasTafari Prisoners Ministry

Donate to Prison Ministries & Help RasTafari Prisoners

Prisoners Outreach Ministry and Services

  • Donate to Prison Ministries
  • So, who are we and what do we do?
  • Do you or your loved one need a Bona fide Letter?
  • Prisoners Outreach Ministry Of The Goodnews Of H.I.M.
  • What the Bible says about Prison Ministry

Help RasTafari Prisoners

Help LOJSociety continue to deliver the assistance inmates need and receive via our Recognized RasTafari organization and ministry services and activities to help better their lives:Donate and Help RasTafari Prisoners